2024-11-21 17:21:35
+ 1Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen+ 1Change of Heart+ 1The First Darklord+ 1Water of Life+ 1Zeradias, Herald of Heaven+ 1Thron the Disciplined Angel+ 1Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin+ 1Darklord Contact+ 1The Sanctum of Parshath+ 1Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath+ 1Solemn Authority+ 1Airknight Parshath+ 1Archlord Zerato+ 1Noble Knight Joan+ 1St. Joan+ 1Court of Justice+ 1Darklord Morningstar+ 1Forbidden Chalice+ 1The Sacred Waters in the Sky+ 1Exile of the Wicked+ 1Forbidden Lance+ 1The Selection+ 1Wingweaver+ 1Honest+ 1Solemn Strike+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 1Angel of Zera+ 1Rebirth of Parshath+ 1Light of Judgment+ 1Messenger of Peace+ 1Angel Statue - Azurune+ 1The Sanctified Darklord+ 1Celestial Knightlord Parshath+ 1Nova Summoner+ 1Darklord Rebellion+ 1Prayers of the Voiceless Voice+ 1Forbidden Scripture+ 1Cards from the Sky+ 1Celestial Sword - Eatos+ 1The Sanctuary in the Sky+ 1Angel O7+ 1Archlord Kristya+ 1The Chorus in the Sky+ 1Rain of Mercy+ 1Guardian Angel Joan+ 1Avenging Knight Parshath+ 1Soul of Purity and Light+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Victorica, Angel of Bravery+ 1Miraculous Descent+ 1Hymn of Light+ 1Divine Punishment+ 1Chorus of Sanctuary+ 1Ray of Hope+ 1The Forgiving Maiden+ 1Solemn Warning+ 1Banishment of the Darklords+ 1Power Angel Valkyria+ 1Orcustrated Babel+ 1Noble Knight Artorigus+ 1The Fountain in the Sky+ 1Solemn Scolding+ 1Tower of Babel+ 1Shining Angel+ 1Horn of Heaven
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