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The Sanctum of Parshath

Views: 184,208 Views this Week: 202

Card Text

This card's name becomes "The Sanctuary in the Sky" while on the field or in the GY. Fairy monsters on the field gain 300 ATK/DEF. Set Spells/Traps cannot be targeted by, or destroyed by, card effects. Once per turn: You can target a total of 3 Fairy monsters and/or Counter Traps with different names in your GY; place them on top of your Deck in any order.

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Cards similar to The Sanctum of Parshath
Card: Celestial Knightlord ParshathCard: The Sacred Waters in the SkyCard: Fallen SanctuaryCard: Artifact SanctumCard: Neo-Parshath, the Sky PaladinCard: Sacred Arch-Airknight ParshathCard: Archlord ZeratoCard: Rebirth of Parshath
Decks with The Sanctum of Parshath
Banlist History for The Sanctum of Parshath
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