2025-03-18 08:15:13
+ 1Xtra HERO Wonder Driver+ 1Evil HERO Toxic Bubble+ 1Break the Destiny+ 3D - Force+ 3A Hero Lives+ 3Destiny HERO - Malicious+ 1Dark Calling+ 1Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude+ 3Evil HERO Adusted Gold+ 1Evil HERO Neos Lord+ 2Destiny HERO - Denier+ 1Destiny HERO - Dogma+ 1Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer+ 1Polymerization+ 1Destiny HERO - Dark Angel+ 3Vision HERO Vyon+ 1Evil HERO Dead-End Prison+ 1Destiny HERO - Dangerous+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Destiny HERO - Dread Servant+ 3Trade-In+ 1Dark Supremacy+ 3Elemental HERO Stratos+ 1Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster+ 1Evil HERO Sinister Necrom+ 3Destiny Draw+ 1D - Tactics+ 1Super Polymerization+ 1Destiny HERO - Drawhand+ 1Elemental HERO Shadow Mist+ 3Fusion Destiny+ 1Destiny HERO - Disk Commander+ 1Xtra HERO Cross Crusader+ 1Evil HERO Dark Gaia+ 1Evil HERO Inferno Wing - Backfire+ 1Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer+ 1Destiny HERO - Celestial+ 1Xtra HERO Dread Decimator+ 1Destiny HERO - Dominance+ 1Over Destiny+ 1Terraforming+ 1Clock Tower Prison+ 1Destiny End Dragoon+ 1Evil HERO Infernal Rider+ 1Dark Contact+ 1Foolish Burial+ 3Destiny HERO - Plasma+ 1Evil HERO Malicious Bane+ 1Evil HERO Darkest Knight+ 1Elemental HERO Neos+ 1Destiny HERO - Dystopia+ 1Destiny HERO - Drilldark+ 1Destiny HERO - Dusktopia+ 1Dark Fusion
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