Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition (MVP1)
TCG • 63 Cards • Released 2020-01-23 • $410.45 • View in Search
MVP1-ENS41 - $0.78Cubic KarmaMVP1-ENS44 - $0.15Cubic MandalaMVP1-ENS24 - $0.52Dimension GuardianMVP1-ENS25 - $0.19Dimension MirageMVP1-ENS21 - $0.25Dimension ReflectorMVP1-ENS23 - $0.21Dimension SphinxMVP1-ENS11 - $0.20Krystal AvatarMVP1-ENS28 - $0.97Magicians' DefenseMVP1-ENS30 - $0.25Metalhold the Moving BlockadeMVP1-ENS27 - $0.20MetamorphortressMVP1-ENS31 - $0.42Spiritual Swords of Revealing LightMVP1-ENS15 - $3.83Apple Magician GirlMVP1-ENS03 - $0.50Assault WyvernMVP1-ENS14 - $3.50Berry Magician GirlMVP1-ENS34 - $0.25Blade Garoodia the Cubic BeastMVP1-ENS46 - $0.00Blue-Eyes Alternative White DragonMVP1-ENS35 - $0.22Buster Gundil the Cubic BehemothMVP1-ENS48 - $0.33Celtic Guard of Noble ArmsMVP1-ENS52 - $3.41Chocolate Magician GirlMVP1-ENS47 - $0.36Clear KuribohMVP1-ENS39 - $0.81Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic LordMVP1-ENS33 - $0.25Dark Garnex the Cubic BeastMVP1-ENS56 - $27.74Dark Magician GirlMVP1-ENS05 - $1.93Deep-Eyes White DragonMVP1-ENS49 - $0.45Gandora-X the Dragon of DemolitionMVP1-ENS36 - $0.23Geira Guile the Cubic KingMVP1-ENS18 - $0.37Gold GadgetMVP1-ENS38 - $0.26Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic EmperorMVP1-ENS02 - $0.34Kaiser Vorse RaiderMVP1-ENS16 - $2.40Kiwi Magician GirlMVP1-ENS51 - $4.00Lemon Magician GirlMVP1-ENS50 - $0.63Lord Gaia the Fierce KnightMVP1-ENS13 - $0.52MarshmacaronMVP1-ENS53 - $4.88Palladium Oracle MahadMVP1-ENS06 - $0.24Pandemic DragonMVP1-ENS12 - $0.27Sentry Soldier of StoneMVP1-ENS17 - $0.45Silver GadgetMVP1-ENS57 - $186.99Slifer the Sky DragonMVP1-ENS32 - $1.17Vijam the Cubic SeedMVP1-ENS37 - $0.22Vulcan Dragni the Cubic KingMVP1-ENS40 - $0.34Crimson Nova Trinity the Dark Cubic LordMVP1-ENS01 - $18.31Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonMVP1-ENS55 - $31.83Blue-Eyes White DragonMVP1-ENS54 - $22.69Dark MagicianMVP1-ENS42 - $0.44Cubic WaveMVP1-ENS19 - $1.75Dark Magic VeilMVP1-ENS20 - $0.26Magical Contract DoorMVP1-ENS10 - $0.25Counter GateMVP1-ENS43 - $0.22Cubic RebirthMVP1-ENS26 - $0.30Dark HorizonMVP1-ENS22 - $0.21Dig of DestinyMVP1-ENS29 - $0.23Final GeasMVP1-ENS09 - $0.20Induced ExplosionMVP1-ENS45 - $0.61Unification of the Cubic LordsMVP1-ENS07 - $0.19Dragon's Fighting SpiritMVP1-ENS04 - $7.37Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX DragonMVP1-ENS08 - $4.09Chaos Form MVP1-ENSV1 - $0.26Duza the Meteor Cubic VesselMVP1-ENSV2 - $0.28Krystal DragonMVP1-ENSV5 - $21.79Obelisk the TormentorMVP1-ENSV6 - $27.37Slifer the Sky DragonMVP1-ENSV4 - $13.98Blue-Eyes White DragonMVP1-ENSV3 - $6.79Dark Magician They pushed forward with optimism, never thinking what would happen if they got to the end of these results.