Duel LinksTCGOCG

Assault Wyvern

Views: 150,116 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard, except "Assault Wyvern".

TCGplayer Sets

Cardmarket Sets

Cards similar to Assault Wyvern
Card: Eclipse WyvernCard: Red-Eyes WyvernCard: Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld DragonCard: Ancient Sacred WyvernCard: C-Crush WyvernCard: Scrap WyvernCard: Ancient Gear WyvernCard: Clock Wyvern
Decks with Assault Wyvern
Banlist History for Assault Wyvern
No Banlist Data for this Card.
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