Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)

TCG 111 Cards Released 2009-09-01 $572.36 View in Search

Rare 20 Cards

ANPR-EN054 - $3.09Solidarity
Core Reinforcement
ANPR-EN073 - $0.20Core Reinforcement
Darksea Rescue
ANPR-EN013 - $0.56Darksea Rescue
Falchion Beta
ANPR-EN039 - $0.22Falchion Beta
Flamvell Firedog
ANPR-EN037 - $0.48Flamvell Firedog
Fortune Lady Fire
ANPR-EN011 - $0.47Fortune Lady Fire
Fortune Lady Light
ANPR-EN010 - $0.49Fortune Lady Light
Gaap the Divine Soldier
ANPR-EN096 - $0.20Gaap the Divine Soldier
Jester Lord
ANPR-EN008 - $0.24Jester Lord
Koa'ki Meiru Speeder
ANPR-EN020 - $0.15Koa'ki Meiru Speeder
Koa'ki Meiru Tornado
ANPR-EN021 - $0.21Koa'ki Meiru Tornado
ANPR-EN001 - $0.87Kuribon
ANPR-EN031 - $0.26Magicat
Psychic Emperor
ANPR-EN084 - $0.20Psychic Emperor
Sauropod Brachion
ANPR-EN095 - $0.22Sauropod Brachion
Pseudo Space
ANPR-EN087 - $0.59Pseudo Space
Arcana Knight Joker
ANPR-EN090 - $0.24Arcana Knight Joker
Reinforce Truth
ANPR-EN064 - $0.79Reinforce Truth
Turbo Rocket
ANPR-EN015 - $1.25Turbo Rocket
XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
ANPR-EN081 - $0.48XX-Saber Fulhelmknight

Super Rare 14 Cards

ANPR-EN068 - $0.89Discord
Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür
ANPR-EN097 - $0.57Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür
Jester Confit
ANPR-EN009 - $3.99Jester Confit
Koa'ki Meiru Crusader
ANPR-EN019 - $5.53Koa'ki Meiru Crusader
ANPR-EN034 - $0.23Minefieldriller
XX-Saber Faultroll
ANPR-EN035 - $13.32XX-Saber Faultroll
Ancient Forest
ANPR-EN048 - $18.34Ancient Forest
Future Visions
ANPR-EN051 - $2.88Future Visions
Core Compression
ANPR-EN052 - $0.67Core Compression
Saber Slash
ANPR-EN058 - $0.85Saber Slash
Revival of the Immortals
ANPR-EN089 - $0.28Revival of the Immortals
Skill Successor
ANPR-EN063 - $0.70Skill Successor
Archfiend Zombie-Skull
ANPR-EN042 - $0.76Archfiend Zombie-Skull
Turbo Cannon
ANPR-EN041 - $3.99Turbo Cannon

Secret Rare 8 Cards

Card Blocker
ANPR-EN093 - $1.58Card Blocker
Card Guard
ANPR-EN085 - $2.04Card Guard
ANPR-EN098 - $2.58Kasha
White Night Dragon
ANPR-EN092 - $13.38White Night Dragon
XX-Saber Gardestrike
ANPR-EN000 - $5.45XX-Saber Gardestrike
Armityle the Chaos Phantasm
ANPR-EN091 - $0.00Armityle the Chaos Phantasm
Elemental HERO Gaia
ANPR-EN099 - $60.14Elemental HERO Gaia
Greed Grado
ANPR-EN088 - $3.48Greed Grado

Ultimate Rare 10 Cards

Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
ANPR-EN017 - $15.07Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
ANPR-EN016 - $7.22Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Flamvell Commando
ANPR-EN086 - $2.01Flamvell Commando
Gaia Plate the Earth Giant
ANPR-EN094 - $13.14Gaia Plate the Earth Giant
Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
ANPR-EN082 - $3.68Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose
ANPR-EN083 - $17.79Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose
Ancient Fairy Dragon
ANPR-EN040 - $45.49Ancient Fairy Dragon
Ancient Sacred Wyvern
ANPR-EN043 - $27.23Ancient Sacred Wyvern
XX-Saber Gottoms
ANPR-EN044 - $22.31XX-Saber Gottoms
Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
ANPR-EN005 - $88.99Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

Ultra Rare 10 Cards

Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
ANPR-EN017 - $3.26Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
ANPR-EN016 - $1.14Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Flamvell Commando
ANPR-EN086 - $0.33Flamvell Commando
Gaia Plate the Earth Giant
ANPR-EN094 - $7.58Gaia Plate the Earth Giant
Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
ANPR-EN082 - $0.35Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate
Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose
ANPR-EN083 - $7.90Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose
Ancient Fairy Dragon
ANPR-EN040 - $5.57Ancient Fairy Dragon
Ancient Sacred Wyvern
ANPR-EN043 - $15.84Ancient Sacred Wyvern
XX-Saber Gottoms
ANPR-EN044 - $4.47XX-Saber Gottoms
Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
ANPR-EN005 - $15.66Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

Short Print 4 Cards

Shiny Black
ANPR-EN024 - $0.00Shiny Black "C"
Ancient Leaf
ANPR-EN061 - $0.00Ancient Leaf
ANPR-EN060 - $0.00Rekindling
A Major Upset
ANPR-EN080 - $0.00A Major Upset

Ghost Rare 1 Cards

Ancient Fairy Dragon
ANPR-EN040 - $105.21Ancient Fairy Dragon

Common 44 Cards

Water Hazard
ANPR-EN056 - $0.22Water Hazard
Depth Amulet
ANPR-EN070 - $0.17Depth Amulet
Imperial Custom
ANPR-EN067 - $0.21Imperial Custom
Pixie Ring
ANPR-EN065 - $0.15Pixie Ring
Flamvell Counter
ANPR-EN078 - $0.21Flamvell Counter
Iron Core Luster
ANPR-EN074 - $0.18Iron Core Luster
Ancient Crimson Ape
ANPR-EN038 - $0.14Ancient Crimson Ape
Armed Sea Hunter
ANPR-EN025 - $0.30Armed Sea Hunter
Armored Axon Kicker
ANPR-EN029 - $0.20Armored Axon Kicker
Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
ANPR-EN006 - $0.21Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain
Cyborg Doctor
ANPR-EN032 - $0.19Cyborg Doctor
Darksea Float
ANPR-EN014 - $0.21Darksea Float
Divine Dragon Aquabizarre
ANPR-EN026 - $0.19Divine Dragon Aquabizarre
Genetic Woman
ANPR-EN030 - $0.20Genetic Woman
Infernity Beast
ANPR-EN012 - $0.19Infernity Beast
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder
ANPR-EN018 - $0.25Koa'ki Meiru Boulder
Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier
ANPR-EN022 - $0.17Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier
Morphtronic Magnen Bar
ANPR-EN007 - $0.25Morphtronic Magnen Bar
Scary Moth
ANPR-EN023 - $0.42Scary Moth
Shark Cruiser
ANPR-EN028 - $0.22Shark Cruiser
Sunlight Unicorn
ANPR-EN003 - $0.12Sunlight Unicorn
White Potan
ANPR-EN033 - $0.17White Potan
XX-Saber Ragigura
ANPR-EN036 - $0.27XX-Saber Ragigura
Core Blaster
ANPR-EN053 - $0.11Core Blaster
Hydro Pressure Cannon
ANPR-EN055 - $0.10Hydro Pressure Cannon
Silver Wing
ANPR-EN046 - $0.17Silver Wing
Spirit Burner
ANPR-EN050 - $0.15Spirit Burner
Sword of Sparkles
ANPR-EN059 - $0.17Sword of Sparkles
Brain Research Lab
ANPR-EN057 - $0.22Brain Research Lab
Advance Draw
ANPR-EN047 - $0.12Advance Draw
Emergency Assistance
ANPR-EN049 - $0.14Emergency Assistance
Fossil Dig
ANPR-EN062 - $0.18Fossil Dig
Release Restraint Wave
ANPR-EN045 - $0.21Release Restraint Wave
Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
ANPR-EN076 - $0.20Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord
At One With the Sword
ANPR-EN079 - $0.23At One With the Sword
Battle Teleportation
ANPR-EN072 - $0.10Battle Teleportation
Battle of the Elements
ANPR-EN075 - $0.27Battle of the Elements
Damage Translation
ANPR-EN071 - $0.21Damage Translation
Fairy Wind
ANPR-EN066 - $0.19Fairy Wind
Psychic Soul
ANPR-EN077 - $0.13Psychic Soul
Slip of Fortune
ANPR-EN069 - $0.24Slip of Fortune
Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
ANPR-EN004 - $0.24Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield
Fishborg Blaster
ANPR-EN027 - $0.70Fishborg Blaster
Sunny Pixie
ANPR-EN002 - $0.34Sunny Pixie

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