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Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür

Views: 33,789 Views this Week: 202

Card Text

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 Machine-Type monster and 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your hand, field, and/or Graveyard. If this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent takes no battle damage.

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Cards similar to Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür
Card: King Beast BarbarosCard: Beast King BarbarosCard: Machine King - 3000 B.C.Card: Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Thunder-KingCard: Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous OmenCard: Tri-Brigade FraktallCard: Tri-Brigade KerassCard: Machine King Prototype
Decks with Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür
Banlist History for Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür
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