I've been waiting for this

OP 7era-ore-a • 3 weeks ago - (edited 3 weeks ago)

The brand new card from "the white story" set has been revealed; another extra deck monster for the archetype that locks you out of them (somewhat).


Dogmatikalamity Alba System

A level 8 dark dragon with 4500 atk and 2500 def

Albaz+6 monsters in grave(Branded Tear anyone)

It does have to be fusion summoned first, but it can attack all your opponents' monsters once each, which is nice, Branded didn't really have a dedicated game closer. With every attack, you do have to send a monster from the extra deck to the grave, but, in Branded, that usually means a +4 at the end phase due to cards like base albion, titaniklad, rindbrum, and brigrand. I haven't even mentioned it has an effect that can usually win you the game on its own. Once a turn(soft btw), if it was fusion summoned and is on the field, you can send all the cards in Both players' extra deck to the grave. Sure, some decks don't care about this, but they aren't really relevant, like, who the crud is going to play monarchs in fire format.