Inquiries about tearlaments effect and polymerization

OP neggeats • 10 months ago

if i use polymerization to fusion tearlaments rulkallos with 1 tearlament monster (expcept reinoheart) and king of the swamp from hand, can i active effect of that tearlaments monster to fusion summon another with king of the swamp was sent to graveyard or not and if i can then tearlaments rulkallos will be summon after that?

eclairforce • 9 months ago

So in this example we have the a few points of interest. As mentioned the fusion summon of Rulkallos is invoked at the start which begins a chain, you select the monster to fuse and pay their cost. After that is done the chain begins. Players can then potentially do negations at that point in which case initial fusion summon wont happen but then Havnis would activate after that chain ends as a result of GY by Card Effect. 

If there isnt a chain activated on polymerization to negate it this is when Havnis would activate as a chain on Polymerization meaning you would trigger to fusions at the same time effectively. The fusion summon from Havnis hitting the field before the fusion from polymerization as the chain resolves backwards. 

eclairforce • 9 months ago

So in this example we have the a few points of interest. As mentioned the fusion summon of Rulkallos is invoked at the start which begins a chain, you select the monster to fuse and pay their cost. After that is done the chain begins. Players can then potentially do negations at that point in which case initial fusion summon wont happen but then Havnis would activate after that chain ends as a result of GY by Card Effect. 

If there isnt a chain activated on polymerization to ...

The interesting part about this that I'm not certain of is whether when this chain resolves if the opposing player could begin a chain off of the first fusion to hit the field or if they have to wait for both to hit the field and then chain off the second. if the latter that would be an interesting tech to protect a more valuable fusion summon by using the first fusion summon via polymerization as a sort of chain protection for it. 

This is all assuming it works like that and bottomless trap hole doesnt just RIP our hopes and dreams.