Pig Iron Vs Pen Peg

OP DragonBOK • 1 year ago

How many LP am I supposed to pay exactly? it just says to pay LP in multiples of 100 but it doesn't tell me how many of those multiples I'm supposed to pay.

StalkingVengeance • 1 year ago

As far as I understand it, you can pay any amount of life points as you want, as long as you pay between 100 and 1000 since the card specifies those as the minimum and maximum values. The idea is to get to the same amount of life points as the opponent, so you can reuse the card by setting it back to your backrow straight from your graveyard during your Main Phase. Therefore, if you use "Pig Iron vs Pen Peg" during your opponent's turn and can match their life points by paying a maximum of 1000 life points (with no obvious further risk of losing life points during that turn) you should probably pay the amount necessary to match them. If you cannot, just pay the minimum of 100.

Hope that clarifies it a bit. ^^

OP DragonBOK • 1 year ago

As far as I understand it, you can pay any amount of life points as you want, as long as you pay between 100 and 1000 since the card specifies those as the minimum and maximum values. The idea is to get to the same amount of life points as the opponent, so you can reuse the card by setting it back to your backrow straight from your graveyard during your Main Phase. Therefore, if you use "Pig Iron vs Pen Peg" during your opponent's turn and can match their life points by paying a maximum ...

Thank so much it all makes since to me now, I'm just getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh and it takes me a minute to piece these things together