The Agent Sanctuary
Deck Primer
Agents! They have been a known meta threat in the past and to this day thanks to modern support they can still keep up even with the most strong strategies out there. They are not easy to pilot but if you manage to master them you become an unstoppable force with them. Let's get into the details:
Where do the Angels come from?
Also known as how do you start with this complex Deck? Your most obvious Goal will be to get The Agent of Creation - Venus onto the field as fast as possible. With her summoned you can Pay 500 LP to get up to 3 Mystical Shine Ball's onto the field. Note this effect is not once per turn so common offenders like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring cannot do anything against this.
With that done you most likely go into your Link 2 Monster Protector of The Agents - Moon to mill Majesty Hyperion from your Deck into the Graveyard. You resummon Majesty onto the field by banishing for example Venus. It is more optimal if you use either The Agent of Mystery - Earth or The Sacred Waters in the Sky to search for The Agent of Life - Neptune first and then summon Majesty. If you banish Neptune you get the essencial card The Sanctuary in the Sky onto the field easily.
Next up in a normal Combo setup you go into your Link 3 Monster Celestial Knightlord Parshath. With him you can Discard 1 Card to finally search any card you like from your Deck to your hand. If The Sanctuary in the Sky is not on the field you are limited to cards which mention the Sanctuary, otherwise any Fairy is searchable too opening up an easy line into the formidable Archlord Kristya.
Now this is only the most basic Combo line I explained here. With cards like The Agent of Mystery - Earth , The Agent of Entropy - Uranus , The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter , Master Hyperion or The Chorus in the Sky you have many alternate backup Plans to get things into motion.
Finally your biggest Boss Masterflare Hyperion is easy to summon and has the amazing effect to copy Name and Effect of any Agent or Sanctuary related card by milling the card from Hand, Deck or Extra Deck. He is the final piece of consistency this Deck needed to get over the top.
So getting started is very easy and getting stopped is very difficult which is absolutely necessary in the modern era of Yugioh. That's a good start, let's move on.
The Sun of God and the Galaxy!
Now that we know how to get started we want to find out how to win with this Deck. Let me introduce a few key cards in Detail to get a understanding about the most important cards in that regard:
Masterflare Hyperion: As mentioned earlier his ability to copy almost anything you desire makes him the Culmination of all your Victory Conditions into one card. On top of that he can target and Banish any Card on the field if the opponent activates a Card or Effect. Keep an eye on this 3200 ATK Monster if you think about your way to victory. His unmatched versatility opens up a Galaxy full of options. After all he's known as the Sun God in Japanese for a reason.
Majesty Hyperion: He's your go to Boss Monster if the opponent manages to summon a non removable Threat onto the field. Not only is he easy to summon but his secondary effect makes him that much more Dangerous. Any Battle Damage you would receive is inflicted to your opponent too and combined with The Sanctuary in the Sky you receive 0 Battle Damage and only the opponent gets the whole damage. Suddenly 3 Mystical Shine Ball's are that much more dangerous.
The Agent of Judgment - Saturn: Tribute this harmless looking Level 6 Monster while The Sanctuary in the Sky is on the field and your opponent receives Damage equal to your Life Points difference if your LP are higher. Thanks to Condemned Darklord and The Sacred Waters in the Sky you can easily heal 6000+ LP in a Turn to brighten the gap fast. One single Solemn Judgment is enough to loose the Duel against this card.
The Agent of Force - Mars: Same effect like Saturn but instead he gains ATK and DEF equal to the difference. Also he's straightup unaffected by Spell Cards at all times. Set him face down for a surprise OTK or go all out and attack with this huge Level 3 fella. He's a Dinomorphia Player's worst Nightmare together with Saturn.
Archlord Kristya: A free Special summon if you have exactly 4 Fairy's in your GY. At the same time she recycle's one Fairy back to the Hand and should she be send to the GY she returns to the Top of the Deck instead. Oh and also neither Player can Special Summon Monster's. Having that Effect on a 2800/2300 Body will win you almost any game if you go first. Also combined with The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto you can turn of the Special Summon limitation whenever you want.
Psychic End Punisher: Should the opponent be foolish enough to negate the Effect of The Agent of Creation - Venus you can keep paying 500 LP with Venus until only 500 LP are left and afterwards summon this unaffected 10000+ ATK Level 11 Synchro Boss to clear the game easily.
Your other friends in this Deck can obviously clear the game too but these are the main tools to achieve Victory easily.
A Galaxy full of Possibilities
There's much much more you can do within this Deck so let's cover most of it:
Archlord Zerato can obviously be summoned with Warrior of Zera but it might be easier to just copy his effect with Masterflare Hyperion. With that you can unleash Raigeki onto your opponent at the cost of discarding one Light Monster without a once per Turn!
Darklord Zerato can do the same but requires a Dark Monster as discard and destroy's himself in the End Phase after using said effect. Since you play Condemned Darklord he's a nice addition to be searched when necessary.
Angel of Zera is your infinite Banishing tool. Whenever he's banished he returns back to the field in the following Standby Phase. He also gains 100 additional attack for every banished card from the opponent. And should your field be full of monsters he sends himself back to the GY instead. The perfect Monster to Loop your effects.
Master Hyperion: Can destroy up to 2 Cards on the field as a soft once per turn. Link him away and revive him with Neptune to destroy up to 4 Cards and potentially even more. Same applies to Majesty Hyperion and his Graveyard banishing effect.
The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury: One of the strange inclusions. His 0 ATK are very welcome for Majesty Hyperion's reverse burn effect and having the slim possible chance to Draw 2 instead of one is good enough to be here at one Copy. You discard a lot and sometimes you will have a empty Hand which makes Mercury and actual usable card that comes up.
The Agent of Destruction - Venus: Maybe obvious but with her you can summon even more Mystical Shine Ball's and get more Condemned Darklord's or The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto into play. Since the Shine Ball's are returned to the Deck when they leave the field the original Venus can then resummon them making it possible to summon up to 9 Shine Balls in one turn.
The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto: His Book of Moon Effect is a soft once per turn. Multiple Copies equal more setting Face Down. Also he's the only card to be able to banish a used Warrior of Zera if he's in the GY. Also he can Recycle and Search The Sanctuary in the Sky which is great.
The Chorus in the Sky: Hard Once per turn recycle one Fairy from the GY back to the Hand and one Card which mentions The Sanctuary in the Sky from the banished zone to the Hand. This card can recycle itself back to the Hand forming a small and slow infinite loop. Note that any Card which has been milled with Protector of The Agents - Moon and sometimes banished with Majesty Hyperion afterwards can be indirectly searched with this making it quite useful.
Light of Judgment: This card needs The Sanctuary in the Sky on the field and 1 LIGHT Monster discarded from the Hand to be activated. You can either send 1 Card from the opponents Field to the GY which is non targeting, or look at the opponents Hand and discard one card from his Hand. This card is The Forceful Sentry for your Archetype with a high cost investment which is worth it. With The Chorus in the Sky you can use this card up to 3 times if necessary.
Fallen Sanctuary: On activation sets any Spell or Trap that Mentions the Sanctuary directly from the Deck avoiding cards like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring in the process. In addition it's a quick effect Monster effect negation. It is treated as The Sanctuary in the Sky too. Very useful and alway's nice to see in the opening Hand.
Divine Punishment: A Counter Trap Omni negation without once per turn and no cost. Only a active The Sanctuary in the Sky is required as condition to activate this card. Sitting on this with Archlord Kristya on the field too is a pretty safe way to victory.
I didn't even mention everything yet but this should be enough to see why this Deck is so dangerous. Remember all the small little Details on every card. There's a lot of hidden potential within every card to be found.
The Darklord Invasion!
As always as good as a Deck is, every Deck has it's weaknesses. Sanctuary related cards lack protection effects and can often be removed easily. Also bricking on 3 Shine Balls in your hand is a sad but possible outcome if you decide to play this Deck like I do. Having a Focus on Light and Dark Attribute only can leave you trapped against anti meta player's which maindeck the Light and Shadow Imprisoning Mirrors. And obviously this Deck play's way worse if you can't manage to stick A Sanctuary onto the field or in the GY.
But that's it. The few negative points can be outweighed by the overwhelming amount of options within this Deck making it a very strong Archetype to be dealt with. Out of all Decks I like to play, this one is the best against almost all matchups you will encounter.
God's Final Judgment
All in all this Deck is very strong, versatile and unique. It's no wonder this Archetype got a whole Community dedicated to building the most optimal Decklists. My approach here is in a very pure kind of way and ignoring the meta relevant cards alltogether. But that said this Deck in a pure Variant might be even stronger.
If you search for a powerful and consistent Deck which is hard to learn but very satisfying to master then this Deck is made for you.
Final Rating:
★★★★★★★ OTK Potential
★★★★☆☆☆ Defensive Tools
★★★★★★★ Control Options
★★★★★☆☆ Removal Options
★★★★★★★ Recovery/Recycling
★★★★★☆☆ Card Advantage
Overall Rating: ★★★★★★☆ 35/42★
Angels don't need Rules
I will list some not so obvious rulings about the cards used down below:
Archlord Kristya: The summon with exactly 4 Fairy's is a Condition and not an effect. Returning her to the top of the Deck even works under cards such as Macro Cosmos.
Archlord Zerato: Interestingly you can Discard 1 Light Monster even if The Sanctuary in the Sky is not on the field. Obviously no effect will be applied and only the cost will be paid.
Majesty Hyperion: 1. As mentioned earlier his effect to inflict Battle Damage received from Fairy's to the opponent is also applied when The Sanctuary in the Sky reduces the Battle Damage taken from you to Zero. 2. His and Master Hyperion's summon are both not treated as an effect. 3. His Banishing effect and Master Hyperion's destruction effect can target your own cards too.
The Agent of Entropy - Uranus: His Special summon is not treated as an effect and is instead a summoning Condition which is bot once per turn.
The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury: His first part of the effect is a Condition. If you have no Cards in your Hand at the End Phase but the opponent has an active Skill Drain and you remove that before the Standby Phase you can Draw an additional Card.
The Agent of Life - Neptune: His Special summon effect prevents the Monster from being tributed for some time. The Agent of Judgment - Saturn cannot use his effect as long as this effect applies.
The Sanctuary in the Sky: The Battle Damage prevention is applied to all Fairy Monsters on the field, the opponents included. Kinda obvious but modern Field Spells don't work like this anymore.
Masterflare Hyperion: 1. You cannot bypass Hard Once per Turns with his effect since his Name is changed to the copied Monster's Name. 2. You can Banish your own Cards with his 2nd effect.
Angel of Zera: When all your Monster Zone's are occupied he will be returned to the GY instead of summoning himself during the Standby Phase.
The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto: 1. His Face Down setting effect is a soft once per turn. 2. He can banish any Monster from the GY not just Fairy's.
Condemned Darklord: The LP gain effect can be applied once for every Copy of Condemned Darklord on your field.
Keycard Masterflare
In addition here's a list a every Monster which has a useful effect to copy for Masterflare Hyperion:
Archlord Zerato: He can use the Raigeki effect of this Card as many times as he likes just like Zerato himself by discarding Light Monster's.
Master Hyperion: He can destroy up to 2 Cards on the field with this effect by banishing Light Fairy's from the GY.
Majesty Hyperion: He can banish up to 2 Cards from any GY's with this effect by banishing Fairy's from the Hand or GY. He also copies the reverse Burn effect from him.
The Agent of Judgment - Saturn: He can use the Burn effect from Saturn by tributing himself.
The Agent of Entropy - Uranus: He can mill any Agent from the Deck and change his level to 1 through 6 depending on the Card milled.
The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter: He can give a 800 ATK Boost to one Light Fairy by banishing one Fairy from the GY and revive a banished light Fairy back to the field by discarding one Fairy.
The Agent of Force - Mars: He can gain the ATK and DEF equal to the LP difference on top of his 3200/2600 stats and become unaffected by Spell Cards.
The Agent of Destruction - Venus: He can summon 1, 2 or 3 Mystical Shine Ball's from the GY are the Banished Zone by paying 500 LP for each.
The Agent of Creation - Venus: He can summon Mystical Shine Ball from the Hand or Deck by paying 500 LP without a Once per Turn.
The Agent of Life - Neptune: No direct benefit for him but the milled Agent of Life can then be banished with his 2nd effect in reaction to the opponent's card to search a The Sanctuary in the Sky to your Hand.
The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto: He can banish a Monster from the GY to set any Monster on the field Face Down as a Quick effect. The milled Pluto can also banish himself to search from Deck or Recycle back from the GY The Sanctuary in the Sky.
Protector of The Agents - Moon: He can Tribute a Fairy including himself to destroy 1 card from the opponent.
Celestial Knightlord Parshath: He can Discard 1 Card to search for any Sanctuary related card or any Fairy if Sanctuary is already active. Also he can Special summon a Fairy from Hand by Banishing a Fairy with a lower level from the GY if a Fairy is sent from the field to the GY.
So in Total there are 13 useful cards to use as a copy target. 2 more are possible to mill but give no direct benefit.
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