(Update-I: Just decided to cut down some of redundant cards. You can also cut down Angel O1 to Special Summon Arcana via Saryuja instead.)
ZA WARUDO! It seems I found another means to win with "Final Countdown". You can check the previous version by clicking here! Without further ado, let's get started.
- Before we start, you can watch the deck in action by clicking there!
- For starters, you should take a look at Synchro Summon lists. These will help you thin your Main Deck to find all combo pieces needed:
1) If you open up with Monk >>> Panda, this is how you can play with...
- Assuming that you have always spells to draw, this is how: Monk + Tuner = Librarian >>> Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Level 1 Tuner >>> Ancient + Tuner = Accel >>> Accel pulls Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Shamisen >>> Shamisen + Non-Tuner = Cthugua >>> Bring Shamisen back onto the battlefield and shuffle Formula >>> Shamisen + Non-Tuner = Cthugua >>> Cthugua + Cthugua = Daigusto >>> Accel + Tuner = Ravenous
- Assuming that there is a chance you might brick, this is how: Monk + (Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula) = Stardust >>> Stardust + Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
2) If you start only with Panda, this is how you can play with:
- Tuner + Non-Tuner = Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Martial >>> Martial brings Formula >>> Formula + Non-Tuner = Integrator >>> Martial + Integrator = Stardust >>> Stardust (Tuner due to Martial) + Non-Tuner = Ancient >>> Ancient pulls Panda/Monk to continue the chain with Librarian and other Synchro monsters.
- Draw your deck until you reach the situation as illustrated below. Don't forget to play "Final Countdown" beforehand:

- For the context, I discarded "Edge Imp Sabres" and "Doomking Balerdroch" with Ravenous. It can be also done with "Into the Void" when you have both in-hand but I did it in advance for convenience.
- When you have "Light Barrier" active, use the ability of "Angel O1" to Special Summon it and follow-up with a Tribute Summon to bring forth "Arcana Force XXI - The World", all thanks to the ability of Angel O1.
- You can also do it with "Double Summon" or "Card Advance" but I prefer Angel O1 because you can save up one monster instead of none with aforementioned spells. Feel free to check said spells in "Side Deck".
- After you have Tribute Summoned Arcana thanks to Angel, with Barrier active, you can choose the outcome for yourself:

- As you can see from these pictures, pick heads to always skip your opponent's turn. It's not one-timed effect.
- You can jump into End Phase whenever you are ready. Also, change "Activation Confirmation" to "Switch+Hold" and set to "ON" or "Auto" in-game. You can edit to "Switch+Hold" in "Duel" section of settings page.
- You are at End Phase. That means, we can send 2 monsters to GY to skip a turn. Have a look at these pictures for reference because if you don't change the confirmation button other than "OFF", you won't be asked to do anything:

- After you have used the ability of Arcana, you can just skip anything happening within End Phase.
- Arcana has skipped your opponent's turn entirely. No card draw or anything for them, they will sit through what we are going to do:

- When you are at Standby Phase and confirmation button set to either "ON" or "Auto", there will be two confirmations:
- Doomking Balerdroch: Since this card was sent to GY on previous turn, with a Field Spell (Light Barrier) active, you can Special Summon this fella.
- Light Barrier: Doesn't matter if you activate its effect or not, just skip it.
- Now, here is the plan for infinite turn skip to win with "Final Countdown":

- So, it's known we can Special Summon Balerdroch from GY, as long as a Field Spell (in this case: Light Barrier) is present. Note that it doesn't have to be yours only; If you go second with this deck and your opponent places one, Balerdroch will still Special Summon itself as intended.
- Now, if you combine the idea with Sabres, which requires you to put a card from your hand on top of your deck to Special Summon itself on the battlefield, you can have two monsters in total to send to GY for Arcana. Thus, you don't have to worry about deck-out.
- Special Summon Balerdroch + Sabres from GY and use them as requirement for the ability of Arcana until you win with "Final Countdown", all thanks to infinite turn skip trick because you can always send Balerdroch + Sabres to GY and bring them back onto the battlefield:

- Looks like the opponent couldn't wait for the victory animation of "Final Countdown". Oh well, there is always next time.
- You can also win by punching your opponent with Arcana Force, if you don't want to craft "Final Countdown".
- This setup especially matters if your opponent goes first and places high attack monsters but without negates for some reason.
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contact Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Arcana Force XXI - The World" + "Light Barrier" can be found within "Hand of Fate" Secret Pack to save 30 SR and 30 UR!
- "Final Countdown" + "Ravenous" + "Pot of Acquisitiveness" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 60 SR and 30 UR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "Daigusto Emeral" can be found within "Ties to Mother Nature" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Doomking Balerdroch" can be found within "Abyssal Underworld" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 90 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
So, in total, you can save up to 570 SR and 150 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun in Master Duel!