2025-01-18 21:58:08
+ 1One for One+ 1Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic+ 1Gaia The Fierce Knight+ 2Magician's Rod+ 1Black Skull Dragon+ 2Illusion of Chaos+ 1Barricadeborg Blocker+ 1Chaos Scepter Blast+ 1Mystical Elf - White Lightning+ 1Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons+ 1White Elephant's Gift+ 1Chaos Form+ 1Piercing the Darkness+ 1Polymerization+ 1Curse of Dragon+ 1Primite Drillbeam+ 1Imduk the World Chalice Dragon+ 1Archfiend's Manifestation+ 1Sphere Kuriboh+ 1Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden+ 1Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon+ 1Spiral Fusion+ 1Dark Magician of Chaos+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Detonating Kuriboh+ 2Dark Magician+ 1Dark Magical Circle+ 1Eternal Soul+ 1Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos+ 3Primite Lordly Lode+ 2Secrets of Dark Magic+ 1Archfiend's Ascent+ 1Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon+ 2Primite Dragon Ether Beryl+ 1Gaia the Dragon Champion+ 1Dedication through Light and Darkness+ 1Black Luster Soldier - Legendary Swordsman+ 1Summoned Skull+ 1Curse of Dragon, the Magical Knight Dragon+ 1Dark Cavalry+ 1Red-Eyes Black Dragon+ 1Magician of Black Chaos MAX+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Master of Chaos+ 1Choju of the Trillion Hands+ 2Primite Roar+ 1Link Spider
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