Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon

Views: 2,255,518 Views this Week: 4,545

Card Text

"Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster
Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

TCGplayer Sets

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Cards similar to Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Card: Red-Eyes SoulCard: Destiny End DragoonCard: Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal DragonCard: Red-Eyes Slash DragonCard: Dark Magician Girl the Magician's ApprenticeCard: The Dark MagiciansCard: Malefic Red-Eyes Black DragonCard: Forged Steel
Decks with Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Banlist History for Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Banlist Date Status Type
2025-01-01 Limited OCG
2024-11-07 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-11-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-10-28 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-10-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-10-01 Limited OCG
2024-09-12 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-08-08 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-07-29 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-07-11 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2024-06-07 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-05-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-04-11 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2024-03-08 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-02-07 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-01-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2024-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2023-12-05 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-11-09 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-10-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2023-09-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-08-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-07-01 Forbidden World Championship
2023-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2023-07-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-06-08 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-05-01 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-04-10 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2023-03-09 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-02-14 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-02-06 Forbidden Master Duel
2023-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2022-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2022-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2022-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2022-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2021-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2021-07-01 Forbidden OCG
2021-04-01 Forbidden OCG
2021-01-01 Forbidden OCG
2020-10-01 Forbidden OCG
2020-07-01 Limited OCG
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