Actual description incoming (maybe)
Meant as a fun deck (that still gets wins !)
Couple bullet points I will expand on (non exhaustive) when I have the time/motivation :
-You can go with eldlich as primary and skull servants as secondary I guess, but I choose to do the opposite, I have more fun that way. Most of the time I even purposefully link eldlich away so as not to even have it on board and just beat down with skull servants
-Deck is surprinsgly consistent, been having tons of fun with it, really takes full advantage of the eldlich cards offering generic zombie support. I have gotten huge king(s) of the skull servants turn 1-2 nearly every game if not every game (bar too much disruption), really happy with how it turned out and how well it flows. Deck convincingly wins on its second turn at worst
-You could make the deck stronger and more catered towards a meta perspective (read "add a small zombie world package" - expanded thoughts in my actual meta zombie world eldlich decklist
right here) but then you wouldn't summon the almighy skeletal king as much and you'd lose the spirit of the deck. Also, the skull servants would become more of a gimmick and somewhat getting in the way of some consistency in regard to the "meta plays" only adding a big (BIG) beater (well, giving easier OTKs isn't something to just dismiss though)
-Deck OTKs nicely, not too much disruptive power however, despite the eldlich package. Decently resilient however ?
-"side deck" are considerations and/or for when the cards come out on master duel