Cross Rose Dragon is an underrated link monster coming in Duel Overload. This deck will fully utilize its potential at disrupting and recursion. I'm building this deck under current World banlist (OCG has Linkross but with Lonefire Blossom and Predplant Ophrys Scorpio on the list, while TCG has 3 Lonefire and Ophrys while still waiting for Linkross). So using one of the banlist is kinda even out the upside and downside.
Basic strategy is getting
Crystron Halqifibrax + random level 3 monster on the field. To achieve that, the Predaplant package is very suitable, also they are plant monster which work with the rest of this deck. Scorpio + its fodder in hand can result you a full combo, making it your best card and one card starter. The route is similar to Releaser Dragun combo route (good route for generic synchro). Summon Scorpio, use Scorpio ss Cobra, use Cobra add Instant Fusion, use Instant Fusion ss Sea Monster of Theseus, link off Theseus + Scorpio/Cobra for Halqifibrax, use Halqifibrax ss O-Lion, link Halqifibrax off for Linkross, use Linkross ss token (we only need one token, can summon 2 but beware of monster zone getting clogged), tune O-Lion and token for Martial Mech Marcher, use O-Lion and Martial ss O-Lion again and a Mecha Phantom Beast Token, synchro summon Marjoram using Martial + Mecha Phantom Beast Token and Garden Rose Maiden using O-Lion+Cobra/Scorpio, use Marjoram and Garden Rose Maiden add Blessed Winds and Black Garden, link off Garden Rose Maiden + Linkross for Cross Rose Dragon.
It's hard to play the combo in MR4 because Linkross only provides one link arrow. The rest of the cards are just to turbo out Scorpio or being a lv 3 monster for Halqifibrax combo and bunch of power cards like handtraps and its prevention, and some breaking board/backrow card.
Expected first turn:
Pros: Very consistent combo, great recursion thanks to Cross Rose, Garden Rose Maiden, and Blessed Winds. Can include power cards like handtraps or to break board.
Cons: Very bad matchup against dino deck esp with Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, the Rose Dragon Synchros miss timing alot, like Black Rose Dragon cant activate if ss from Cross Rose activating during a chain link 2 and Black Rose Moonlight Dragon (not even a Rose Dragon) might miss timing too despite being an "if" effect.