Side Deck

2024-03-25 11:05:32
+ 1A Legendary Ocean+ 1Bahamut Shark+ 1Marincess Marbled Rock+ 1Dream Shark+ 1Gluttonous Reptolphin Greethys+ 1Raigeki+ 1Lightning Storm+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 1Sea Stealth Attack+ 1Marincess Bubble Ring+ 1The Legendary Fisherman II+ 1Marincess Aqua Argonaut+ 1Marincess Springirl+ 1The Ice-Bound God+ 1Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin+ 1Marincess Mandarin+ 1Aquarium Stage+ 1Marincess Sea Angel+ 1Silent Sea Nettle+ 1Marincess Basilalima+ 1Ice Barrier+ 1Marincess Sea Horse+ 1Aqua Spirit+ 1Giant Trunade+ 1Marincess Blue Slug+ 1Forgotten Temple of the Deep+ 1The Legendary Fisherman III+ 1Worldsea Dragon Zealantis+ 1Citadel Whale+ 1Marincess Great Bubble Reef+ 1White Stingray+ 1Crystron Halqifibrax+ 1Marincess Wave+ 1Dark Hole+ 1Sea Archiver+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 1Soul Charge+ 1Marincess Crown Tail+ 1Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Scrypton+ 1Cynet Mining+ 1Marincess Dive+ 1Yorishiro of the Aqua+ 1Marincess Sleepy Maiden+ 1Sea Stealth II+ 1Splash Mage+ 1Abyss Shark+ 1Minairuka+ 1Marincess Sea Star+ 1Pot of Acquisitiveness+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 1Number 4: Stealth Kragen+ 1Marincess Crystal Heart+ 1Soul Absorption+ 1Doom Kraken+ 1Premature Burial+ 1Marincess Coral Anemone+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Marincess Snow+ 1Marincess Circulation+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Marincess Coral Triangle+ 1Last Will+ 1Silent Angler+ 1Toadally Awesome+ 1Marincess Battle Ocean+ 1Cauldron of the Old Man+ 1Stealth Kragen Spawn+ 1Electric Jellyfish+ 1Mega Fortress Whale+ 1Fury of Kairyu-Shin+ 1Jar of Avarice+ 1Ice Knight+ 1Marincess Pascalus

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