- Objective: Summon Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant by means of 3 tributes
- Let opponent trigger Metaltron eff. or keep the 3000/3000 beater (if you have dragonic --> 3.3k/3.3k beater)
This deck relies on the True Draco engine, though it can not pull of the card advantage that was once typical of True Draco. The engine is not used in this deck to establish card advantage, though it can be useful for this purpose, but to bring out Metaltron.
Metaltron can be brought out in 2 ways.
- 1.) Tribute Summon - requires 3 (3 spells, 0 monsters | 2 spells, 1 monster | 1 spell, 2 monsters | 0 spells, 3 monsters)
- This is ideal as it allows you to trigger Metaltron's eff - which can be used to delve into the synchro portion of the extra deck as needed
- 2.) Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General: this card's eff is upon being sent to the graveyard (you can tribute this card for another True Draco or for metaltron itself - and bring out another metaltron, etc.) it allows you to summon any True Draco monster - which includes Metaltron (though this negates the eff of Metaltron and should only be used if you need a defensive card or a beater).
Aside from bringing out Metaltron, details above, the deck focuses on gradual spell advantage through the True Draco spell system - which can not be searched due to the limitation of Ignis and ban of Dinomight Knight. The spell system works in that traps are used to destroy opponent's monsters - and bring out True Draco monsters - and spells are used in one of two ways. True Draco Heritage allows you to draw and is the most basic card when it comes to spell advantage, it should always be set before a spell/trap tribute summon of a true draco spell/trap --> gives you a +1 card advantage. The second spell is Disciples of the True Dracopheonix which can serve as fodder in the beginning of a duel but must be kept around for later in a duel so that the True Draco engine can be kept alive; as this card allows you to recycle cards such as Dreiath and Metaltron - which are key to bringing out Metaltron and the Sycnhros associated with his eff.
Other Important Cards:
- Masterpeace: Same use as in previous True Draco decks, though this is not necessarily the boss "monster" of the deck anymore. Masterpeace serves as a card that can shut down and/or prevent chains - as well as give you ridiculous card advantage. I keep 2 but if you prefer Master Peace to Metaltron, use 3.
- Ash Blossom...: Standard hand trap, multi-purpose and won't trigger graveyard effs (though you can replace Ash with Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit if you'd prefer sending to graveyard)
- Dragonic Diagram: Allows you to search for true draco spells/traps/monsters --> Key to speeding up the engine and securing Metaltron through 3 tributes. Not the most important card in the deck but it acts as the primary searcher, allowing you to trigger spell/trap effects and bring more into your hand.
- Ideal combos: Dragonic Diagram (activation) --> tribute of fodder card (useless card) or Dreiath --> Summon Metaltron or Ignis from Dreiath eff --> obtain something like True Draco Heritage or Dracopheonix from sacrifice (whatever is more appropriate for the situation) --> Use to gain card advantage --> beatdown + spell/trap destruction --> repeat
- Extra Deck Synchros: Many are situational but some can be used in any battle as a boss monster that can guarantee victory. Personally I'd bring out Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon for it's effect but Barbaroid has one of the most brutal effects available to you and can help beef up a deck that is otherwise lacking in immediate offensive firepower.
Not really sure what else to say here, so I'll leave it at that. If you have any tips, I guess you can contact me on here?