Cryselle Avatar


Yu-Gi-Oh Profile:
I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh in 2007 and left after about 6 years of mostly casual play. I came back towards the middle of 2015 (around when Nekroz was being played), and continued for about a year or two as a more or less casual player. In 2016-2017, however, I decided to pick up a competitive deck online and my experience with that deck led me to a myriad of other Decks. Since then I've taken time to learn each format when possible, as well as how to play against it. If y

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630 510
Trap Burning Abyss (Apr. 2021) Trap Burning Abyss (2021) • Go 1st Control • Grind
- 3 years ago
8,732 1
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510 840
Altergeist (Jun. 2020) Altergeist (Jun. 2020) • Control • Go 1st
- 4 years ago
10,522 0
Meta Decks
510 660
Sky Striker Orcust (Jan. 2020) Sky Striker Orcust (Jan. 2019) • Combo • Link Spam • Snowballs into OTKs
- 5 years ago
10,971 4
Meta Decks
690 600
Salamangreat (Dec. 2019) Main Deck: Salamangreat Playstyle: Mid-range Format: Dec. 2019 - onwards - sets up a negate & grind game
- 5 years ago
7,717 1
Meta Decks
810 750
Altergeist (Jun. 2019) Altergeist Deck • Control • Snowball pace • Trap centric
- 5 years ago
3,734 4
Meta Decks
450 660
Sky Striker (March 2019) Sky Striker Pure • Control • Can go 1st / 2nd
- 5 years ago
13,220 3