True Draco evolved to be the strongest, most viable, stun deck in the meta-game. As of Jun. 2019 it has remained pretty much untouched and still comfortably sits at Tier 2-3. The goal of True Draco is, still, to grind out the opponent by accruing advantage and locking them out of key components of their gameplan. With this floodgate oriented gameplan, however, True Draco is susceptible to removal, bricking, and having its floodgates falter. Overall the simple floodgate, beatdown, and grinding gameplan is still successful despite the strong side decks that are ever-present and able to even the matchup against this deck.
Having said that Draco relies on floodgates, here are a few techs to consider that I don't run:
1. Lose 1 turn is a pseudo monarchs erupt that works well in Extra Deck draco
3. Quiet Life is a very oppressive floodgate that effectively shut downs any deck that relies on its Extra Deck
4. Skill Drain is a worse, and riskier, monarchs erupt
5. The Solemn Brigade (Solemn Strike, Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgement) can fit in just about any control deck.
- Establish your floodgates while setting up a board with big beaters and recovery.
Important Cards
1. Diagram: Your primary searcher
2. Card of Demise: Huge consistency booster
3. Ignis: Searches Searches TD spells
4. Dinomight: Searches TD traps
5. Maiden: Adds the better TD monsters
6. Traps: Crackdown, Erupt, Summon Limit and There Can Be Only One all cripple various strategies whilst Imperial Order can eliminate several altogether.