2024-10-27 23:26:43
+ 1Rapid Warrior+ 1Malevolent Catastrophe+ 1Marauding Captain+ 1Raigeki Break+ 1Trap Hole+ 1Ookazi+ 1Heavy Storm+ 1Quickdraw Synchron+ 1Hayabusa Knight+ 1Twin-Shield Defender+ 1Defense Draw+ 1Light End Dragon+ 1Blast Sphere+ 1Hammer Shot+ 1Marshmallon+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Threatening Roar+ 1Synchron Explorer+ 1Red Medicine+ 1Twin-Sword Marauder+ 1Giant Trunade+ 1Draining Shield+ 1Moai Interceptor Cannons+ 1Groza, Tyrant of Thunder+ 1Jurrac Ptera+ 1Twister+ 1Turbo Warrior+ 1Dark Magician+ 1Axe Raider+ 1Card Trader+ 1Golem Sentry+ 1Torrential Tribute+ 1Man-Eater Bug+ 1Shrink+ 1Sakuretsu Armor+ 1Number C39: Utopia Ray+ 1Trap Stun+ 1Dust Tornado+ 1Junk Warrior+ 1Magic Cylinder+ 1Junk Synchron+ 1Fortress Warrior+ 1Turbo Synchron+ 1Lightning Vortex+ 1Dimensional Prison+ 1Swords of Revealing Light+ 1Monster Reincarnation+ 1Junk Destroyer+ 1Cyber Gymnast+ 1Chainsaw Insect+ 1Buster Blader+ 1Rising Energy+ 1Cipher Soldier+ 1Mausoleum of the Emperor+ 1Time Machine+ 1X-Saber Wayne+ 1Number 39: Utopia+ 1Elemental HERO Clayman+ 1Turret Warrior+ 1Worm Apocalypse+ 1The Warrior Returning Alive+ 1Smashing Ground+ 1Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth+ 1Synchro Boost
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