2024-06-17 08:02:47
+ 1Zoodiac Ramram+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 3Tri-Brigade Nervall+ 3Rescue Cat+ 1Zoodiac Hammerkong+ 3Maxx "C"+ 2Called by the Grave+ 2Triple Tactics Talent+ 1Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom+ 1Nibiru, the Primal Being+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Zoodiac Whiptail+ 1Tri-Brigade Revolt+ 1Zoodiac Chakanine+ 1Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager+ 1Zoodiac Drident+ 2Tri-Brigade Kerass+ 1Tri-Brigade Rugal the Silver Sheller+ 1Scareclaw Light-Heart+ 3Tri-Brigade Kitt+ 3Fire Formation - Tenki+ 1Salamangreat Almiraj+ 1Crossout Designator+ 1Ancient Warriors Oath - Double Dragon Lords+ 1Zoodiac Boarbow+ 1Zoodiac Thoroughblade+ 1Zoodiac Ratpier+ 1Pot of Prosperity+ 1Accesscode Talker+ 3Tri-Brigade Fraktall+ 1Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder+ 2Effect Veiler+ 2Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen
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