Greetings! In this deck, we will FTK our opponent with underused card called "Totem Five" alongside "Rekindling", which unlocks its potential. Let's get into the action!
- First and foremost, I suggest you to watch the video and strictly follow Extra Deck summon pattern, which is important to use every single one of them such as...
Cupid to lead the way with Scarlight for potential extra burst coming from either cards.
Ravenous to discard two FIRE monsters with 200 DEF, which matters a lot for "Rekindling".
Saryuja to Special Summon Monk >>> Cannoneer altogether and utilize Cannoneer for "Rekindling".
XYZ Summon Dugares with Monk+Cannoneer as materials and Special Summon Cannoneer via Dugares for another time to use the ability of Cannoneer.
1) Make sure you plant five roses to opposing side with "Black Garden".
2) While following Extra Deck summon pattern, here is the math behind burn cards:
Fire Cracker: 1000 damage (Activate its ability from your hand.)
Volcanic Scattershot: 2 x 500 = 1000 damage (Discard them via Ravenous/Cannoneer.)
Laval Magma Cannoneer: 4 x 500 = 2000 damage (Bring forth Cannonneer via Saryuja and Dugares. Then, use its ability twice for each time.)
Cupid Pitch: 8 x 100 = 800 damage (When you Synchro Summon Scarlight, you will deal damage with respect to level of Scarlight.)
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend: Activate this card to destroy your side of battlefield. For each Effect Monsters destroyed, you will deal multiples of 500. (Damage output may vary but on average, try to aim for 1000-2000 mark.)
Thunder Crash: Play this card to deal some damage and make preparations for "Rekindling" because you need all five free Main Monster Zones (MMZ) for Totem Five to perfectly resolve.
Totem Five: 5 x 500 = 2500 damage (After "Rekindling" has been played, if you have Special Summoned five monsters at once thanks to "Rekindling", "Totem Five" can destroy everything your opponent has. If you go second and your opponent has full backrow for some reason, the damage output can be doubled.)
Raypierce/Guerilla: 500 + 500 = 1000 damage (Although not shown in this video, this step is what you should do after "Rekindling" has been played and "Totem Five" has been perfectly resolved. Use Cracker+Cannoneer as materials for Queen to be placed on Extra Monster Zone (EMZ) and bring forth Scarlight, albeit as negated. Then, Special Summon Mars and activate its ability to trigger Raypierce and Guerilla for their damages.)
The Blazing Mars: 5 x 500 = 2500 damage (Read the part above. You can consider Mars as better variant of "Thunder Crash".)
3) If you did everything right, you can deal up to 13k damage for the FTK. I know that video stops before "Raypierce/Guerilla" part explained in #2 since I haven't played all "Upstart Goblin" cards but don't forget to use anything beyond "Raypierce/Guerilla" part to ensure your victory. Simply put, activate Mars if you must for the absolute victory.
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contact Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Ravenous" + "Pot of Acquisitiveness" + "The Blazing Mars" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 90 SR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "Rekindling" can be found either within "Combatants of Flame" or "Justice Before Attribute" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" can be found within "Number Recall" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Black Garden" can be found within "Exquisite Jet-Black Rose" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend" can be found within "Savage Crimson Dragon" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
So, in total, you can save up to 600 SR and 60 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. Let me know if you have any questions and have fun in Master Duel!
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