2024-08-27 05:53:24
+ 3Fire King High Avatar Kirin+ 1Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster+ 1Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy+ 3Snake-Eye Ash+ 1Infinite Impermanence+ 1Buster Dragon+ 1Snake-Eye Birch+ 2Fire King Avatar Arvata+ 1Kashtira Preparations+ 1Snake-Eyes Diabellstar+ 2Kashtira Riseheart+ 1Borreload Dragon+ 1Destruction Sword Memories+ 1Kashtira Fenrir+ 1Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman+ 1Kashtiratheosis+ 1Knightmare Unicorn+ 1Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider+ 1Snake-Eye Oak+ 1Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians+ 1Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman+ 1Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze+ 2Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman+ 1Salamangreat Raging Phoenix+ 2Fire King Island+ 3Fire King Sanctuary+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 1Sacred Fire King Garunix+ 3Kashtira Unicorn+ 2Kashtira Birth+ 1Diabellstar the Black Witch+ 1Pentestag+ 1Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation+ 1Scareclaw Kashtira+ 1Number 11: Big Eye+ 1Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman+ 2Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye+ 2Snake-Eyes Poplar+ 3Legendary Fire King Ponix+ 1Fire King Sky Burn+ 1Number 76: Harmonizer Gradielle+ 1Kashtira Ogre
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