Common CharityTCGOCG

Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman

Views: 331,705 Views this Week: 101

Card Text

Send 1 "Destruction Sword" card and 1 "Buster Blader" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, except "Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman"; Special Summon 1 "Buster Dragon" from your Extra Deck or Graveyard, but destroy it during the End Phase of the next turn. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; this turn, "Destruction Sword" cards you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. You can only activate 1 "Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman" per turn.

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Decks with Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman
Banlist History for Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman
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