Do i really need to say something about this deck ?
If so I'll just say one of the most strongest and most feared decks of yugioh !
It's a bit older deck ,what you can see on the banned cards included in the deck like harp horror ,engage ...
But now for the stats :
Attack : 8
Deffense : 8
Consistency : 9
Versatility : 9
Revovery : 9
Draw pover 35☆
Control 55☆
Burn 05☆
Otk/Ftk 45☆
Stamina 55☆
Comeback 55☆
Swarm 45☆
15 min testing :
Win ratio 88%
Dead hands 1
Otk 7
Deck type : Control
Going first 55☆
Going second 45☆
Deck difficulty 45☆
My personal rank 55☆
And i give the end note 8,7
Reccomended for advanced duelists