2024-06-10 18:23:59
+ 1Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid+ 1Mogmole+ 1Ignition Beast Volcannon+ 2Madolche Lesson+ 3Madolche Mewfeuille+ 2Madolche Chateau+ 1Catapult Zone+ 1Snowman Creator+ 1Number 49: Fortune Tune+ 1Infernity Archer+ 1ZW - Ultimate Shield+ 1Battle Break+ 1Final Gesture+ 1Valerifawn, Mystical Beast of the Forest+ 1Madolche Marmalmaide+ 1Overlay Regen+ 1Black Rose Moonlight Dragon+ 1Lemuria, the Forgotten City+ 1Dust Knight+ 1One-Shot Wand+ 1Catapult Warrior+ 1Hot Red Dragon Archfiend+ 2Mecha Sea Dragon Plesion+ 1Mathematician+ 1Evilswarm Exciton Knight+ 1Compulsory Escape Device+ 1Madolche Butlerusk+ 1Madolche Waltz+ 3Madolche Baaple+ 1Underworld Fighter Balmung+ 1Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju+ 1Pyrotech Mech - Shiryu+ 1Achacha Chanbara+ 1Inari Fire+ 1Sword Breaker+ 1Snowdust Dragon+ 1High Rate Draw+ 1Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow+ 1Madolche Chouxvalier+ 1Steam Synchron+ 1Stardust Spark Dragon+ 1Cat Shark+ 2Madolche Cruffssant+ 1White Aura Bihamut+ 1Unification+ 1Heraldic Beast Berners Falcon+ 1Kalantosa, Mystical Beast of the Forest+ 1Planet Pathfinder
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