This deck revolves around one of the most oldest and recognizable cards in the game, the Red Eyes Black Dragon used by Rex Raptor then later won by Joey Wheeler and used consecutively throughout the first series of Yu-Gi-Oh! This particular card and other cards that support are not as strong as the more popular and powerful archetype and is agreed throughout the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! the counterpart of the Blue Eyes White Dragon series.
Even though Red Eyes IS the key card in this deck, there are other monsters that can be a hassle. The true boss of the Red Eyes archetype, this is my opinion, is Dragun of Red Eyes. It is tremendously powerful monster and can be easily summoned with Red eyes Fusion and having Red Eyes and (sorry forgot to add it in when I was making the deck) the newly added Dark Magician plus a dragon effect monster, you would have an unfair advantage at the start. That is why I added not one but two more Red Eyes Fusion Cards to have an even higher chance of getting this menace of a monster. I also added Wee Witch just to give all the dark attributes on your side of the field a boost.