The full combo for this involves over 100 steps, so rather than have each step listed out, it's much more efficient to explain the loops involved and how they interact with each other.
In order to perform the FTK, you will need That's 10! and Pendulum Call in your hand.
When activated, Pendulum Call can add Wisdom-Eye Magician and Xiangke Magician to your hand, and you can then place these in your pendulum zones. Wisdom-Eye's pendulum effect isn't once per turn, and the lingering protection effect of Pendulum Call prevents it's activation from actually changing the board state - this can be used infinitely, adding counters to That's 10! and allowing that cards effect to resolve multiple times in one turn.
You'll want to use this effect of that's 10! to set and activate 2 trap monsters of the same level. They are all either level 4 and level 10, and can be used to XYZ summon Gagaga Cowboy and Gustav Max respectively for their direct life point damage effects. Once you get an XYZ monster out, repeat this to bring out more trap monsters, for more XYZs, for more burn damage.
You will eventually start to run out of space on the board. There are two things you can do to mitigate this:
- Summon one of your XYZ monsters to the extra monster zone.
- Use the effect of Xiangke Magician in your pendulum zone. This lets an XYZ monster you've already be used function as material to summon the last one.
At the end of it all, you will be able to deal 8400 damage directly to your opponent's life points. This is enough for game!
Now, here's the bad news: This deck has obvious consistency problems and very little space for ways to fix them. There are absolutely routes you can take for trying to improve or change the deck, though, so i have some additional notes for that.
I don't think That's 10! can currently be searched in a way that allows it to activate on the same turn, but Pendulum Call has Duelist Alliance working for it.
Drawing Cards:
I've included Allure of Darkness, Dark World Dealings, and Danger! Mothman to add ways to draw cards. I'm not very familiar with card draw pieces, and i'm sure there are better ways to go about this - None of these cards are necessary to perform the FTK, so feel free to adjust these if you've got a better solution.
Extra copies of necessary cards:
There are also more copies of the key cards to this combo than necessary. This was done to prevent the possibility of bricking by drawing too many trap monsters (That's 10! can only set them from the deck), but because of this there's very little room for other cards in the deck. if you wish to change this, the *absolute minimum* number of trap monsters is 5 of one level and 6 of the other. Similarly, you only need one copy each of the included magician pendulums, but they both have to be in your deck to resolve Pendulum Call.
It's also worth noting that the extra deck *only* has pieces necessary for the FTK, and there are 9 slots remaining in it for additional monsters - though you will eventually need all of your monster zones dedicated to the FTK.
Preventing Counterplay:
I didn't even try to do this, because ensuring that the deck can work at all seemed more important than ensuring i can play around my opponents interruption. the Triple Tactics cards might be worth looking into, though.
Effects to avoid:
regardless of what you do to change the deck, please be very careful about:
- effect costs that involve giving your opponent LP, or reducing the damage they take. Your damage capability is (3 * 2000) + (3 * 800) = 8400 from your copies of Cowboy and Gustav. You don't need the battle phase, though.
- summoning monsters to your side of the field. You need every monster zone available to you in order to build your XYZ monsters. If they aren't level 4 or 10, and you don't have a way to get rid of them, don't put them there.