The idea behind this deck is that opening sangen summoning, sangen kaimen, dora dora or tenpai dragon paidra can set up 2 level 3 monsters, which is enough for full goblin combo, while still being able to do the tenpai OTK. You can also, if stopped trying to do tenpai, very easily just go directly into goblin biker combo, either with what is already in play, or with one of the many extenders. I decided to play 50 cards so that I could play more non-engine, as I have a high density of starters but also a few cards that I don't want to draw because I can search them (though the only card you can actually open that shuts off plays is the full-armored xyz trap, because it becomes hard to get all the material off of fortress)
I explicitly request this to not be put on ygodeckprofile, the website is full of scammy ads and steals decks without crediting the person who made them, while slapping on their shitty watermark that blocks the cards.