2024-09-04 15:53:56
+ 1Knightmare Phoenix+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 3Dora Dora+ 3Raigeki+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 1Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion+ 2Tenpai Dragon Genroku+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres+ 1Ancient Fairy Dragon+ 3Nibiru, the Primal Being+ 1Sangen Summoning+ 1Black Rose Moonlight Dragon+ 1Bystial Magnamhut+ 3Tenpai Dragon Paidra+ 1Ruddy Rose Dragon+ 1Samurai Destroyer+ 1Worldsea Dragon Zealantis+ 1Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze+ 3Dark Ruler No More+ 2Tenpai Dragon Fadra+ 3Sangen Kaimen+ 1Striker Dragon+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 1Terraforming+ 1Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon+ 2Sangenpai Bident Dragion+ 1Pot of Prosperity+ 1Kuibelt the Blade Dragon+ 3Dimension Shifter+ 3Tenpai Dragon Chundra
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