Compared to when Dragon Rulers were all legal, this is a new way of playing Tempest Dragunity utilizing a lot of Dragunity's new support cards.
Rather than Atum from way back when, the main combos of the deck focus on Dragunity Knight - Barcha and Romulus to generate link fodder from the two level 2 tuners Couse and Phalanx. Utilizing these cards, the deck explodes using the Guardragon link monsters Pisty, Elpy and Agarpain.
Just like Dragon link variants and the "old" tempest dragunity deck, strings of combos lead to boards with numerous negates with high stats.
Note: I used to play tempest dragunity when atum and vajrayana were the main ways of playing the deck and comboing, but now that the new support is out I'd like to try my hand at making the deck work again. In testing the deck is insanely fun to play but feels very fragile, even with triple called by the grave.
Side deck subject to change based on local metagame IRL and any suggestions you guys might have.
I would also greatly appreciate any suggestions to the main deck too. Thanks!