main idea inspired by master duel pack (synchron beyond speed)
i was thinking (dazai is so cool as the synchron deck but the problem is that 1 negate or brick hand can be fetal in the pther side dazai is cool like speedroid and can be against any negate easily what if i made a deck contain the both) and here it come
welb there's some tips and combos
-if you have foolish burial send to gy one of those cards (depend on your plan) (stardust synchron , stardust trail , speedroid den den daiko duke , quillbolt hadgehodge , omni dragon , speedroid carturbo)
-if you special summon (speedroid taketomberg) you wont be able to special summon axcept wind monsters to make sure to notice that
-if you want to accel synchro remember that sometimes you need tuner synchro monsters
-if you wanted to sync fast while all your zone is tuners and 1 non tuner and you can syncc lvl2 monster you can summon (double star shaman)to sp summon non tuner monsters
-turbo booster can be special summoned if you normal summon this turn
-if you have turbo synchron you attack one of your opponent monsters and his ability will make him defence position and when you take damage you will sp summon monster that you can sync with it
-if you have some combos in your hand use the most useless first so you can test if there's trap hands like ash blossom and keep doing this untill you use your toughest combo
(combos now)
i'm too lazy so i'll put one combo
required (in hand) : junk converter , tuner (stardust synchron will be useful) , stardust trail or foolish burial , monster reborn or living fossil
activate (junk converter) and discard 1 tuner and add to your hand (junk synchron)
summon (junk synchron) and activate him and sp summon (junk converter)
sync (junk synchron) with (junk converter) to summon (junk speeder) in main monsters zone
activate (junk synchron) chain 1 and (junk converter) chain 2
sp summon from gy (junk synchron) by (junk converter)
and sp summon with (junk speeder) ability (necro synchron - cyberse synchron - stardust synchron)
activate (stardust synchron) and add (arrive in light) to your hand
activate it
sync (junk speeder - necro synchron) to summon (clear wing synchro dragon) in links zone
activate (arrive in light) and draw 1 card
activate (necro synchron) and sp summon (sylvan princessprout)
sync (cyperse synchron - sylvan princessprout) to summon (double star shaman)
activate (double star shaman) ans sp summon (sylvan the princessprout - omni dragon)
sync (stardust synchron - sylvan or omni dragon ) to summon (hi-speedroid hagoita)
activate from gy (stardust synchron) and tribute (junk synchron ) to summon (stardust synchron)
activate (stardust trail) and sync (stardust synchron - stardust trail) to summon (stardust dragon)
if you have no lvl 1 non tuner monster activate (stardust trail) and sp summon (stardust token)
activate (living fossil or monster reborn) and summon from gy (cyperse synchron)
sync (cyperse synchron - stardust token or the lvl 1 non tuner monster) to summon (assault blackwing : sayo the rain hider)
sync (stardust dragon - assault blackwing : sayo the rain hider - double star shaman ) to summon (shooting quasar dragon)
to say the truth this deck is good as
-it has a lot of combos
- low chance of bricking
-it weak against the unlimited negate decks and branded decks
-it's 59 card so the chance to get the perfect hand is low but all the cards can work together so don't care about this
-the brick can be fetal lol
and welb i hope you have fun :P
dazai is cool right?