This is such a fun deck to play. I really love how well these two engines go together. I saw other people's builds, but felt that it was lacking some things. Obviously, going first you want to make Zexal, using Numeron Network to special the number boys, then overlay. If you have hidden city, or terraforming to search it, and you don't get ash'd or negated, then even better. Set your guru, use hidden city to flip, then search. After this there's a couple options. I main deck 3 solemn strikes, because on the next turn, when I activate Zexal's effect, they have the chance to respond with gamma, ghost ogre, etc. So paying 1500 to negate that is easy. Also ash can stop gamma. If I don't have one of those, then I will search for fiendess in the first turn, because she's an omni negate if I control another subterror. I also side solemn judgment, because sometimes infinite impermanence will stop Zexal.
From there you just begin setting up your board. This deck is filled with hand traps of course. And each subterror monster has different effects. I run a playset of Pot of Extrav, either to use as ash bait, or if I didn't have the best drawing hand. You also need numeron wall, he's another good way to search the numeron network, or also serves as ash bait. I run 2 numeron calling's, because sometimes the 2nd one is necessary, in those pinches. As for subterror cave clash, not everyone runs it, but I think its a great card, because it lets you use subterror guru's quick effect, since you control another subterror card. Also when you do battle damage, you can grab your fiendess from the grave, and just keep recycling it. And of course subterror final battle is a super broken card, doesn't get sent to grave after being used, and 4 different effects, depending on the scenario. Lastly, this deck can easily go turn 2. You use numeron network to bring out all 4 numeron boys, and each time you attack, their attack doubles (they aren't required to detach to activate effect because of numeron network's effect). So you just climb your way up, and either beat over their big monster, or attack for game. And then if your opponent is still alive then you overlay for Zexal and back to square one.