2025-03-06 05:36:25
+ 1Mobius the Frost Monarch+ 1The First Monarch+ 1Caius the Shadow Monarch+ 1Granmarg the Mega Monarch+ 1Spell Card "Soul Exchange"+ 1Escalation of the Monarchs+ 1March of the Monarchs+ 1Overwhelm+ 1Garum the Storm Vassal+ 1Pantheism of the Monarchs+ 1Erebus the Underworld Monarch+ 1Mobius the Mega Monarch+ 1Escher the Frost Vassal+ 1Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch+ 1The Monarchs Awaken+ 1Tenacity of the Monarchs+ 1Crackdown+ 1Trade-In+ 1The Monarchs Erupt+ 1Card Advance+ 1The Prime Monarch+ 1Kuraz the Light Monarch+ 1Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal+ 1Granmarg the Rock Monarch+ 1Return of the Monarchs+ 1Soul Exchange+ 1Thestalos the Mega Monarch+ 1Raiza the Mega Monarch+ 1Raiza the Storm Monarch+ 1Dark Bribe+ 1The Monarchs Stormforth+ 1Domain of the True Monarchs+ 1Caius the Mega Monarch+ 1Zaborg the Mega Monarch+ 1Landrobe the Rock Vassal+ 1Ehther the Heavenly Monarch+ 1Dark Advance+ 1Restoration of the Monarchs+ 1Pot of Dichotomy+ 1Frost Blast of the Monarchs
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