The december 2020 banlist just came out and some cards that were a part of dragon link got hit such as Linkross, buster lock and in some dragon link variants - smoke grenade. This in fact does affect dragon link but not that much. This is the post banlist version of dragon link, it is in fact not as good as the original but can still need on the exact same end board with more extenders. I made this deck in a way that you would consistently draw a hand to fo full combo, I would say we just have to wait for the meta to shape up and see where dragon link is compared to the other decks! It will definitely be meta but just not the best deck of the format or anything. Have fun playing!
If you wish to hand rip and extra card from the opponent’s hand instead of drawing 2 cards with crocodragon, the you can switch it out for trishula (the synchro monster). Also make sure to answer the poll question down below! Today’s poll question is: Which of your banlist predictions didn’t happen? If you are interested in an in-depth deck explanation and combo tutorial, I recommend watching my youtube video, subscribe to the channel and like the video - it is a great way to support me and the channel.
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