(Update-I: Updated "Polymerization" tactics. Rather than usual stuff, Predaplants placed as Pendulum Zones do count as proper Fusion Summon. In addition, since Supreme King can target any monster anywhere, cheating Nightingale with "Cattle Call" shall suffice.)
Hello there! Today, I learned that "Independent Nightingale" was actually used alongside "Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom" to copycat Nightingale and unload a big damage in higher competitive matches with Pendulum decks in mind, which looks viable. Rather than relying on her OG ability, which is done right there, I wanted to give a shot by copycatting Nightingale with Venom before the probability of banning Venom happens in MD. Venom is banned in TCG but not in OCG, so I'm not sure what will happen to this fella in MD. Let's jump right into the action.
(This is a hungry and venomous Nightingale! Be cautious!)
1) When Swallow is present on the battlefield, bring forth Nightingale by tributing Swallow with "Cattle Call".
2) To bring forth Venom, place both Pendulum monsters on Pendulum Zones and activate Bufolicula.
3) Place "Light Barrier" and Link Summon "Saryuja" to bring forth Arcana. Pick heads to always skip your opponent's turn at the cost of two of your monsters on the battlefield. Sabres + Balerdroch will be the ones and they will come back forever. Thus, you can take as many turns as you like.
4) Deal 4000 damage repeateadly until your opponent is dead by targeting Nightingale with Venom and activating Venom.
If you wonder how to save up some SR and UR points, I can show you:
- "Pot of Avarice" can be collected by purchasing "Re-Contact Universe" deck. 90 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
- "Arcana" + "Light Barrier" can be found within "Hand of Fate" Secret Pack to save 30 SR and 30 UR!
- "Doomking Balerdroch" can be found within "Abyssal Underworld" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Daigusto Emeral" can be found within "Ties to Mother Nature" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Independent Nightingale" can be found within "Moonlit Avian Dance" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom" can be found within "Indomitable Knights" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "Pot of Acquisitiveness" can be found within "Legacy Pack" to save 30 SR!
- "Into The Void" + "Allure of Darkness" can be found within "The Infinite Void" Secret Pack to save 180 SR!
- "Formula Synchron" can be found within "Stardust Ties" Secret Pack to save 30 SR!
- "T.G. Hyper Librarian" can be found within "Futuristic Creatures" Secret Pack to save 30 UR!
- "Wonder Wand" and "Spellbook of Knowledge" can be collected by purchasing "Spellbook of Prophecy" deck. 120 SR saved and you can try a new deck!
So, in total, you can save up to 540 SR and 120 UR, if you are willing to spend some gems. Other SR and UR cards I didn't mention are essential.
That's all for this one. Let me know if you have any questions and have fun in Master Duel!
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