Side Deck

2024-06-19 10:53:30
+ 1Dark Magic Attack+ 1Magician's Rod+ 1Magician Navigation+ 1Reaper of Prophecy+ 1Witchcrafter Vice-Madame+ 1Diabell, Fiendess of the White Woods+ 1Spellbook Magician of Prophecy+ 1Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela+ 1Witchcrafter Scroll+ 1Witchcrafter Madame Verre+ 1Witchcrafter Schmietta+ 1Spellbook of Knowledge+ 1Rcia of the White Woods+ 1Spellbook of Power+ 1Asteria of the White Woods+ 1Sinful Spoils Subdual+ 1World of Prophecy+ 1The Grand Spellbook Tower+ 1Witchcrafter Confusion Confession+ 1Magician of Dark Illusion+ 1Beware the White Woods+ 1Dark Magician Girl+ 1Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera+ 1Amores of Prophecy+ 1Silvera, Witchwolf of the White Woods+ 1Spellbook of Miracles+ 1Spellbook of Judgment+ 1Dark Magician+ 1Dark Magical Circle+ 1Eternal Soul+ 1Charioteer of Prophecy+ 1The Dark Magicians+ 1Crowley, the First Propheseer+ 1Spellbook of Life+ 1Sinful Spoils of Slumber - Morrian+ 1Diabellze the Original Sinkeeper+ 1Prophecy Destroyer+ 1Spellbook Star Hall+ 1Spellbook of the Master+ 1Witchcrafter Creation+ 1Witchcrafter Edel+ 1Secrets of Dark Magic+ 1Witchcrafter Potterie+ 1Spellbook of Eternity+ 1Risette of the White Woods+ 1Woes of the White Woods+ 1Fool of Prophecy+ 1Thousand Knives+ 1Wheel of Prophecy+ 1Witchcrafter Unveiling+ 1Witchcrafter Golem Aruru+ 1Magician's Robe+ 1Diabellstar the Black Witch+ 1Dark Cavalry+ 1Rciela, Wicked of the White Woods+ 1Magician of Black Chaos MAX+ 1WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils+ 1Witchcrafter Holiday+ 1Witchcrafter Haine+ 1Temperance of Prophecy+ 1Spellbook of Wisdom+ 1Spellbook of Secrets+ 1Hierophant of Prophecy+ 1Witchcrafter Patronus+ 1Magicians' Souls+ 1Spellbook of Fate+ 1Silve of the White Woods+ 1Legend of the White Woods

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