The point of this deck is to get how many clears wings out as posile in one turn and if you draw the wind witches you can still spam cus if you draw the wind witch thats a free crystal wing so first you need to draw the windwatch then just use its combo strat and if you draw wind channler you can add it to your hand that way but i would just use it the other way so if you draw wind witch use its stra then use ns clock to then its efefct wil get yu a token then you link to rubberband shooter then you just use its second effect to reavel one and oyur oppenet pick one i would get terrtops or yoyo but its up to you wand when i get terratops i would use rubber band effect to get tomb and use tomb effect to get to get dice so dice efefct to make terra level 6 then what i do that you wanna go to clearwing then then that two negates then i would use speed recovery to get back terra back and then use den den in grave to get red eyed dice back and then you use his effect again to get terra to level 6 then synchro to fast dragon and thats three negates there and end your turn. i hope you like my deck :) this is my first upload ill be uploading alot more.
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