This is a fun Reasoning deck, but it is fairly prone to bricking due to how many high level monsters you have to run.
Assuming you know how the Solfachord cards work, the main spice here is using Diviner of the Herald as a starter. Send Trias Hierarchia with the effect then use Trias's effect to tribute Diviner and special summon Cutia from deck, then use the Cutia and Hierarchia on field to start linking off. Protecting Spirit Loagaeth is another neat tech card that synergizes pretty well with the deck and can put in a lot of work in some situations, but typically you'll be using it as a second material to go into Beyond the Pendulum. Spright Elf is great as always, not just for being able to recur S:P Little Knight, but you can also reborn Diviner to send Elder Entity N'tss for additional pops, or Electrumite if you need more draw power. S:P is a must include; it does so much for Pendulum decks because it can place itself into the main monster zones, giving you more EMZ's for pendulum summoning from the Extra Deck. I recommend one copy of Beautia as an out for strong monsters.
Borreload Savage and Baronne can be anything else. Theoretically you can make them using Diviner or Ash Blossom, but I've never had it come up. If you want an omni-negate, GranSofachord Coolia is much easier to setup and far more advantageous.
For your turn one end board, if you open good you should be able to end on GranSolfachord Coolia (the Link-3), a set Solfachord Musica (search it with SolSolfachord Gracia), and at least an odd-scale Solfachord monster in your pendulum zone to fuel Coolia's omni-negate. Ideally you have DoSolfachord Coolia as the odd-scale that you special summon with the Link-3's negate, which gives you an additional pop. If your opening hand isn't as good, or you get interrupted, passing with just S:P and a hand-trap in grip can still keep you alive. On later turns, establish Gracia and Angelia with an odd and even scale to stun your opponent during your battle phase.