tachyon massively helps this deck.
honor ark is a tachyon target
hydrojet is a amazing card =)
best combo only needs buzzsaw and big jaws. normal buzz special remora overlay into bahamut special toad overlay into fortress using bahamut add the spell and trap activate the spell equip to fortress then special the big jaws from hand add abyss then special abyss add hydrojet overlay into kragen using abyss and big jaws. overlay into crystal zero then into dark night add remora back to hand special by detaching fortress and big jaws special the buzz and big jaws back from the grave use buzz and remora to overlay into dweller. then special hydrojet then dump xyz revive splash overlay into another bahamut special another toad then overlay into utopic ray by discarding the trap pass then in draw phase use dwellers effect on res use revive splash to rank up into shark drake using the dweller then you have a full end board with 1 non targeting attach 1 non targeting destroy and burn 2 omni negates 1 monster negate utopic rays attack and battle phase effect and dwellers restricting graveyard effect