2024-12-23 22:01:08
+ 2Bahamut Shark+ 1Full Armored Utopic Ray Lancer+ 3Buzzsaw Shark+ 2Number C32: Shark Drake LeVeiss+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 1Xyz Poseidon Splash+ 1Firestorms Over Atlantis+ 1Xyz Armor Fortress+ 1Abyss Dweller+ 1Full Armored Black Ray Lancer+ 2Armored Shark+ 2Silent Sea Nettle+ 2Aqua Jet Surface+ 1Surface+ 1LeVirtue Dragon+ 3Ice Barrier+ 3Foolish Burial Goods+ 1Full-Armored Xyz+ 1Xyz Remora+ 1Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss+ 1Gozen Match+ 3Surfacing Big Jaws+ 3Abyss Shark+ 1Saber Shark+ 2Double Fin Shark+ 1Number 32: Shark Drake+ 1Number 4: Stealth Kragen+ 1Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer+ 1Reincarnation Unveiling Mail+ 2Lantern Shark+ 1Virtue Stream+ 2Drake Shark+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Xyz Armor Torpedo+ 3Salvage+ 2Crystal Shark+ 1Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer
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