ryu-ge and deep sea diva go like a PBJ. the deck is very simple first objective is to send the ritual monster to the extra deck then activate the field spell → search diva → add it to hand → activate the field's spell second → effect special summon 3 monsters → normal summon diva → special summon reese → synchro summon glaciasauros → special summon crimson dragon → now you can go to one of the 3 boss monsters.(summon assault synchro at the start of your main phase because you will not be able to special summon it after you activate the field spell)
with this you can end up with at least two negates. this deck prefers to go first but has no problem going second thanks to nibiru afc and the fact that they have multiple ways to search cards so ash blossom is not that good against it THIS DECK LOSES EASILLY TO A LOCK BIRD.
rainbow bridge of salvation is super good in this deck try using it after you already sent the ritual monster to the extra deck if you succesfully activated this card you will win 90% of time just try activating it as late as possible so the opponet can't recover in his main phase2.
you can also use assault synchro to summon red supernova dragon after he activate his effect so you can double smack your opponent but tbh supernova is not that good especially that we now have maliss but it's still a good removal.