2024-05-28 17:44:24
+ 3Summoner Monk+ 1Daigusto Emeral+ 1Instant Fusion+ 1Left Arm of the Forbidden One+ 1Right Leg of the Forbidden One+ 1Garura, Wings of Resonant Life+ 2Illusion of Chaos+ 1Proxy F Magician+ 1Windwitch - Winter Bell+ 1Windwitch - Crystal Bell+ 1Exodia the Forbidden One+ 2Original Bamboo Sword+ 1Foolish Burial Goods+ 2Kamionwizard+ 1Broken Bamboo Sword+ 3Cursed Bamboo Sword+ 1Left Leg of the Forbidden One+ 1Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians+ 1Cross-Sheep+ 1Extra-Foolish Burial+ 1Fusion Armament+ 3Shadow's Light+ 1Ready Fusion+ 1Number 60: Dugares the Timeless+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 1Performage Trick Clown+ 3Wonder Wand+ 3Royal Magical Library+ 1Right Arm of the Forbidden One+ 3Golden Bamboo Sword+ 1Saryuja Skull Dread+ 1Herald of the Arc Light+ 1Into the Void+ 2Relinquished Anima+ 1Infernoid Evil+ 1Magicians' Souls+ 3Magical Stone Excavation
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