2024-10-27 20:16:16
+ 1Expressroid+ 1Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union+ 1Metalfoes Mithrilium+ 1Steam Gyroid+ 1UFOroid+ 1Metalfoes Silverd+ 1Artifact Chakram+ 1Shuttleroid+ 1Artifact Achilleshield+ 1Artifact Sanctum+ 1Artifact Beagalltach+ 1Prank-Kids Plan+ 1Mystical Elf - White Lightning+ 1Pair Cycroid+ 1Prank-Kids Place+ 1Super Vehicroid - Mobile Base+ 1Prank-Kids Lampsies+ 1Gyroid+ 1Raremetalfoes Bismugear+ 1Artifact Scythe+ 1Dark Elf+ 1XYZ Hyper Cannon+ 1Rescueroid+ 1Decoyroid+ 1Metalfoes Orichalc+ 1Prank-Kids Rocksies+ 1UFOroid Fighter+ 1Metalfoes Goldriver+ 1Artifact Lancea+ 1Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill+ 1Ambulanceroid+ 1Parametalfoes Azortless+ 1Fullmetalfoes Fusion+ 1Gold Moon Coin+ 1Jetroid+ 1Steamroid+ 1Cycroid+ 1Carrierroid+ 1Artifact Labrys+ 1Artifact Failnaught+ 1Invoked Raidjin+ 1Metalfoes Crimsonite+ 1Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine+ 1Prank-Kids Dropsies+ 1Metalfoes Vanisher+ 1Artifacts Unleashed+ 1Metalfoes Steelen+ 1Skull Archfiend of Lightning+ 1Truckroid+ 1Artifact Vajra+ 1Metalfoes Volflame+ 1Emergeroid Call+ 1Drillroid+ 1Mixeroid+ 1Patroid+ 1Armoroid+ 1Metalfoes Fusion+ 1Invoked Mechaba+ 1Enchanting Mermaid+ 1Prank-Kids Pandemonium+ 1Shining Sarcophagus+ 1Artifact Mjollnir+ 1Prank-Kids Fansies+ 1Metalfoes Adamante+ 1Artifact Caduceus+ 1Artifact Aegis+ 1Artifact Moralltach+ 1Supercharge+ 1Stealthroid+ 1Gift of The Mystical Elf+ 1Ambulance Rescueroid+ 1Union Driver+ 1Submarineroid
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