Common CharityTCGOCG

Metalfoes Silverd

Views: 81,142 Views this Week: 101

Pendulum Text

Once per turn: You can target 1 other face-up card you control; destroy it, and if you do, Set 1 "Metalfoes" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck.

Card Text

''Sizzling soldier on a silver sublight speedjet. Can't track her, can't see her, can't escape that lightspeed laser.''

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Cards similar to Metalfoes Silverd
Card: Metalfoes VanisherCard: Metalfoes MithriliumCard: Metalfoes FusionCard: Metalfoes CombinationCard: Metalfoes CounterCard: Metalfoes OrichalcCard: Metalfoes GoldriverCard: Metalfoes Steelen
Decks with Metalfoes Silverd
Banlist History for Metalfoes Silverd
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