Almost always burn your opponent to less than 4000 LP before they can even move.
Going 1st Combos:
1. Red-Eyes Fusion + Red-Eyes Spirit or Red-Eyes Insight + Inferno Fire Blast ---> OTK
- Fusion summon Meteor Black Comet Dragon - use Red-Eyes Soul + Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact, dump Red-Eyes Black Dragon for burn damage
- Use Inferno Fire Blast - burn for 3500LP
- Set Red-Eyes Spirit or use Red-Eyes Insight to seach for it. Flip after opponent draws and burn for another 3500LP
2. Black Metal Dragon ONLY
- Normal summon Black Metal Dragon - link into striker dragon & search for Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
- Banish striker dragon, summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, special summon Black Metal Dragon
- Send both to grave, link summon Heiratic Seal
- Search for Red-Eyes Insight from Black Metal Dragon
- Use Red-Eyes Insight, send Red-Eyes Soul to grave, search for Red-Eyes Spirit
- Set Red-Eyes Spirit, flip once opponent draws to special summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
- Once opponent summons a monster, bounce Heiratic Seal to summon Red-Eyes Soul, burn for 2800LP
Going 2nd Combos:
1. Red-Eyes Fusion
- Almost always go into Dragoon so that you can burn your opponent for burn damage by popping monsters. Use Red-Eyes Black Dragon + Dark Magician
2. Black Metal Dragon - same as going 1st
- A monster summoned with Red-Eyes Fusion is always considered "Red-Eyes Black Dragon"
- Ghost Mourner can be used as soon as your opponent summons a monster. Stops them from having it leave the field as it will cause burn damage
- If you draw into BOTH Black Metal Dragon and Red-Eyes Fusion, I almost always go the Black Metal Dragon route, as it provides more negates on your opponents turn, and you can still get a good amount of burn damage. Save Red-Eyes Fusion for turn 2.
- If you end up with extra Red-Eyes searches, go for Red-Eyes Burn.