Firsts, before I get into the combos, what are the strengths/weaknesses of the deck
- you can literally skip your opponents turn
- your monsters are BIG and can out cards that are unaffected by card effects
- you can generally end on a board wipe and a negate which lets you get pretty far against most decks
- If you get handtrapped you kinda lose
- Garbage against interuptions
- Only 1 starter in the deck (crimson resonator)
So the main combo this deck uses is
crimson resonator and a lv 4 monster
First use crimson ef to special itself from hand, then normal summon the lv 4 monster (special summon it if you can)
Synchro summon
red rising dragon
Use rising ef to special back crimson
Use crimson ef to special
synkron resonator and
creation resonator from your deck
Synchro summon
red supernova dragon using rising, crimson, synkron, and creation
Syknron ef add back creation (or crimson if your hand is absolute trash)
That is the basic combo, and you can go further if you have certain cards in hand
All the lv4's I chose can get themself out of your hand easily or search a card that can special summon itself
So if you have a way to put 2 lv 4's on field
- witch
- juggler
- wildwind + any lv 4
- juggler + any lv 4
You can do the following combo
First use crimson ef to special itself from hand, then summon 1 lv 4 monster
Synchro summon
red rising dragon
Use rising ef to special back crimson
Use crimson ef to special
synkron resonator and
creation resonator from your deck
Summon the other lv 4 monster
Synchro summon
red rising dragon
Use rising ef to special back crimson
Synchro summon
red supernova dragon using rising, crimson, synkron, and creation
Use synkron ef to add back creation
Special creation from hand
Synchro summon
hot red dragon archfiend abyss with creation and a rising dragon
Those are your main combos from turn 1
Now after turn 1, to put more damage on board, if you have abyss on field
Special synkron resonator (either from hand or from grave with rising ef)
Synchro summon
hot red dragon archfiend bane with abyss and synkron
Synkron ef add back creation
Bane ef tribute creation special abyss
Now let me talk about some of the more random cards
- the arrival of cyberse @ignister
- Noodlefiber can sometime fix unplayable hands
- Feel free to replace the above 2 cards though
- Number 41: bagooska the terribly tired tapir
- always good to have a plan B
- if you drew unplayable just summon him and wait
- Evilswarm Exciton Knight
- Can help you break boards sometimes
- NOTE: wildwind locks you out of all the above cards because he locks you into synchros
- red reign
- its a good boardwipe and protection
- if your hand can only end on abyss, it lets you still put out a negate and a board wipe and can just shutdown plenty of decks
- burning soul
- I stand by this card, I think it is the right choice
- Better urgent tuning, lets you summon hot red dragon archfiend king calamity on your opponents turn to skip it
- when you do the normal combo and have rising, crimson, synkron, and creation on field just summon abyss with creation and rising and pass with abyss, crimson, and synkron with burning soul set, and activate burning soul in their dp
- Can sometimes help you dodge negations
- recovers a card too, thats fun ig
- Ancient pixie dragon
- its the best (of all two) dark dragon lv 7 synchro monsters that lets you step up the chain of synchros sometimes
- This deck realy can't bait out handtraps, imperm or veiler on crimson/rising or ash on crimson just kills your play
- ALWAYS bait out ash with desires, even if your hand is perfectly fine, ashing crimson hurts too much
- the issue is not drawing more cards, it's that they've stuffed your ONLY starter
- just kinda hope they're stupid
- if its past turn 1 and they nib you with red reign set, you can use red reign to protect one of your monsters
Late game
- this deck is fairly decent in late game
- wildwind, juggler, red reign, stygian, and rising all have good grave effects that kind of let you play from your grave
- I would consider adding 3 avarice just because you tend to run out of resonators in deck
Just somethings to keep in mind while playing the deck:
- When you deal damage with abyss and bane, USE THEIR EFFECTS
- pulling resonators out of your grave often lets you put more big cards on field
- I said it before but wildwind LOCKS you into synchros
- resonator command adds ANY LV 4 OR LOWER FIEND
- including wildwind and stygian
- crimson resonator can only use its effect to special from deck if the ONLY OTHER MONSTER you control is a dark dragon synchro
- that means that you can't summon the other lv 4 from hand before using crimson resonator, make sure to use crimson resonator then summon your lv 4
- this is invaluable for contuning combos and not running out of resources
- King calamity can be used on your own turn to stuff out your opponents backrow and guarantee an OTK