"I'm here to see M.F. Purrely."
"M.F. Purrely?"
A basic pure Purrely deck (post Jan. 2024 list update) that relies heavily on your knowing more on how to play Pokémon TCG than you do Yu-Gi-Oh. The archetype, for those unfamiliar, consists of Level 1 Fairy Monsters with Rank 2 and 7 Xyz Monsters with effects that rely on attaching materials to help grow and develop with their user. Most Purrely decks require a large portion of the deck to be dedicated to its cards, but some other archetypes (i.e., Ghostrick and Spright) can utilize Purrely cards. This, however, is a specifically Purrely-focused deck.
The Basic Strategy (Look at my funny cat cards)
Your two biggest main deck cards are the Level 1 Fairies, Purrely and Purrelyly, also known as the Purly Brothe rs:

Their main goal is to get its Rank 7 Xyz Boss Monster, Expurrely Noir, the most Towers of any Towers that has ever Tower-ed. With Expurrely Noir (1100 Atk, 2800 Def), you have immunity to your opponent's activated effects when you have five or more materials, the ability to spin your opponents monsters at the cost of two materials (which is a Quick Effect with a Level 1 Purrely monster attached as a material). Often, Purrelyly will be your start, as it comes with the most benefits despite having both of its effects be once-per-turn. Purrelyly can search for any non-Quick Play Purrely Cards, and 9 times out of 10 you will end up searching either for My Friend Purrely or Stray Purrely Street. Even though you will use one of these monsters to bring out Expurrely Noir, you will have several ways to bring out other Purrely monsters, since Purrely's effect allows you to excavate the top cards of your deck to add one Purrely Spell/Trap card.
Another cornerstone piece of the Purrely engine are the Quick-Play Purrely Memories, each of them having the optional effect to special summon a Purrely from your deck monster at the cost of discarding one card. There are four memories with unique main effects as well as an effect when attached to a Purrely Xyz Monster:
- Purrely Happy Memory prevents a card from being destroyed by card effect the first time it is until the end phase after its activation. When attached to a Purrely Xyz Monster, it can allow them to attack +1 Monsters on the field per memory attached (Meaning you can make up to 4 attacks against Monsters with one Purrely Xyz).
- Purrely Delicious Memory prevents a card from being destroyed by battle until the end phase after its activation. When attached to a Purrely Xyz Monster, it will allow that monster to gain 300+ attack and defense points per card attached as a material, including itself. An Expurrely Noir with 5 materials will gain 1500 attack and defense if it has Delicious Memory as a material, giving it a defense of 4300. This card is limited in TCG format, so sadly your dream of 900+ attack/defense per material remains as only a dream.
- Purrely Pretty Memory gives both you and your opponent 1000 LP. However, if this card is attached to a Purrely Xyz, they get the ability to send one card you control to the GY to target one card your opponent controls and attach as material. This is once per turn but does stack with the materials attached to it meaning you can attach up to three cards per turn if you have all three Pretty Memories attached.
- Purrely Sleepy Memory makes it so that the first time you would take LP damage after this card was activated turn to 0. When attached to a Purrely Xyz Monster, it gains the effect of allowing you to draw one card on your opponent stand-by phase. Much like Pretty Memory, this effect stacks with the number of memories attached. As of January 2024, this card is semi-limited.
My Friend Purrely, which will be abbreviated as M.F. Purrely for short, helps get you either Purrely Sleepy Memory or Purrely Delicious Memory. By paying the low, low cost of 500 LP, you can search 3 Purrely cards and add one at random. You will want to aim for either of these two Quick-Play spells (If you activate M.F. Purrely with neither in hand, search for two Sleepy Memories and a Delicious Memory). In addition, another card you want to coincide with M.F. Purrely is Stray Purrely Street, which has three main effects; Attaching a Memory Quick-Play Spell from Deck/GY, preventing Purrely monsters from being targeted by opponent card effects the turn they are summoned, and to create insurance when a Purrely Xyz Monster is removed from field by an opponent's card (This includes destruction by battle or effect, tribute, banish, or bounce/spin). M.F. Purrely also has an insurance policy when it is on the field and your Purrely Xyz is removed from the field. Both work in tandem and will not miss timing, since they are an "if" effect:
- Stray Purrely Street (CL1): Special Summons a Purrely monster from Deck or GY.
- M.F. Purrely (CL2): Add up to three (3) Purrely Quick-Play Spells with different names from your GY to hand.
To reach your end goal of that sweet, sweet Towers, Expurrely Noir requires any Rank 2 Monster with 5+ Materials attached to it. This works with any Rank 2, but Purrely Xyz Monsters will give you the easiest time, since you can stack memories/materials on them like pancakes. Each has an effect that allows you to attach a Memory as a material when it activates up to three times per turn, then activate a unique effect upon attaching as a material (NOTE: This is a when effect, cards like Ash Blossom can cause a mistime). The Rank 2 Purrely monsters all require two Level 2 monsters as materials but can be "cheated" out with the effects of the Purly Brothe rs. Each of the Purrely monsters will special summon a Rank 2 Purrely Xyz Monster using a Memory Quick-Play Spell mentioned by that respected monster, with each Purly Broth er having its own way of summoning. Purrely requires you to reveal a memory in hand after activation (Soft once-per-turn), while Purrelyly requires you to target a memory in the GY (Hard once-per-turn). Your Rank 2 Purrely Xyz Monsters corresponds to a respected memory and include:
- Epurrely Happiness (Happy Memory) (2000 Atk, 100 Def), which can bounce a Spell/Trap on the field when a memory is attached. If it attacks, it can add a Purrely card from deck to hand and, if it has Purrely Happy Memory, you can halve the attack of a monster on the field.
- Epurrely Beauty (Pretty Memory) (1600 Atk, 1100 Def), which can change the position of a monster on the field when a memory is attached. It can negate the effects of a monster on the field. This effect is nice, but it becomes a Quick Effect with Purrely Pretty Memory attached as a material.
- Epurrely Plump (Delicious Memory) (200 Atk, 2100 Def), which can banish a monster from the field when a memory is attached. In addition, you can attach up to two Spells/Traps in either GY as materials once per turn, with this being a Quick Effect when Purrely Delicious Memory attached as a material.
- Epurrely Noir (Sleepy Memory) (1000 Atk, 2000 Def), which can set a Purrely Trap on the field when a memory is attached. Also, you can bounce a card back to hand at the cost of discarding a card, with the amount of bounces being boosted to two if Purrely Sleepy Memory is attached as a material.
Since each Rank 2 will already have two materials, getting another three materials is easy with the number of Memories that fill up your deck. Summoning more Purrely monsters as well as using the effects of M.F. Purrely and Stray Purrely Street can help fill up your Purrely with loving care quickly if you know what you are doing. However, the two best routes (With an alternate third one for a possible OTK) for getting Expurrely Noir out are as follows.
1. Epurrely Noir (The "I Draw 4 On Stand-by Phase" Approach)
The easiest way, and most beneficial way, that you can get to Expurrely Noir, resulting in your Purrelyeap!? trap (which will target and rank up/down your Purrely Xyz Monster) to bring out Expurrely Noir on your opponent's Standby Phase. For this, you need a few things:
- Purrely/Purrelyly on the field.
- My Friend Purrely, searching to add Sleepy Memory.
- Stray Purrely Street, to ensure you can get 4 materials on your Xyz before the next Standby Phase
- One (or more) additional memories to use Epurrely Noir and set one Purrelyeap!?. Bonus if you add Purrely Sharely!? to your decklist, which will target a Rank 2 Purrely Xyz you control and Special Summon a Purrely monster before ranking it into Rank 2 Purrely Xyz and attaching a material from deck based on the materials attached to your targeted monster.
- Bring out Purrelyly or Purrely (Preferably Special Summon Purrelyly, especially if you have Stray Purrely Street on the field, otherwise Normal Summon Purrely), add either your Field Spell (if not already on the field) or M.F. Purrely. Use this to get the correct memory, or an additional Sleepy/Other memory, preferably Pretty or Delicious. The best way to get more memories, if you have already used the effect of M.F. Purrely, is to special summon more Purrelys, which can excavate to add those memories to hand.
- Special Summon Epurrely Noir.
- Attach as many materials to Epurrely Noir as you can, but you will want to aim to set one Purrelyeap!? with its effect and, if you have it in your deck, Purrely Sharely!?. At the bare minimum, you will want Epurrely Noir with four materials before your turn actually ends.
- If you have enough, or cannot do any more than four memories, end your turn. If you have five materials, go into Expurrely Noir. During End Phase, Stray Purrely Street can be used to target your Purrely Xyz Monster to attach either:
- Purrely Sleepy Memory #2, if not attached already.
- Purrely Delicious Memory, to bulk up your E(x)purrely Noir
- Purrely Pretty Memory, if you have both, as well as Sharely!? set.
- On your opponent's Standby Phase, use the effect of Sleepy attached to your Xyz. If you have both Sleepy Memories, draw one in one chain. However, if you want Expurrely Noir, on the second draw, activate Sleepy Memory as CL1, then Purrelyeap!? as CL2 (If you have Sharely!? set, activate it as CL3 to bring out Purrelyly and instantly rank up into Epurrely Beauty with Pretty Memory). After doing so, you can activate Expurrely Noir's effects with both Sleepy Memories to draw twice again (Now you see why Purrely Sleepy Memory is semi-limited).
The big downside to this approach is that Expurrely Noir will be returned to the deck at the end of the turn after it was summoned with Purrelyeap!?. This card is very risky if you cannot find a way to beat down your opponent or get another Expurrely Noir on the field, which is why it is highly recommended to get AA-ZEUS in your Extra Deck, as Expurrely Noir can just rank up into AA-ZEUS with a lot of materials attached.
2. Epurrely Plump (The Instant Expurrely Towers Approach)
- Epurrely Plump is harder to get out, as Delicious Memory is limited in the TCG format (OCG gets lucky, it's only semi-limited there). You will want to aim to get Plump out, since Plump will eat any Spell/Trap in your GY alongside any Memories attached as a material. For this you will want:
- Purrely/Purrelyly on the field.
- My Friend Purrely, searching to add Delicious Memory or other memories.
- Up to two Spell/Traps in either GY.
- Bring out Purrelyly or Purrely (Preferably Special Summon Purrelyly, especially if you have Stray Purrely Street on the field, otherwise Normal Summon Purrely), add either your Field Spell (if not already on the field) or M.F. Purrely. Use this to get the correct memory, or another memory if you have Delicious already in hand, preferably Pretty or Sleepy.
- Special Summon Epurrely Plump.
- If you have not done so already, use your memories to bring out more Purrely monsters and pitch some spells/traps that you might not use. If Plump is on the field. In addition, if you have two Spells/Traps in your GY, you can attach them as material with Plump's Quick Effect.
- If all has succeeded, your Plump should be stuffed with materials, meaning you can go straight into Expurrely Noir. You do not need to end here, since I would highly recommend getting yourself a second dog, Epurrely Beauty.
The more materials you can get on Plump, the better. Expurrely Noir, alongside being a tower, can spin a card to the bottom of the deck, which is heavily useful when it still has 5+ Materials.
3. Epurrely Happiness Beatdown (AKA: The Alternate Win-Con)
Epurrely Happiness' effects are very much grounds of "Purrely Beatdown" if you're going second. When taking Purrely to tournaments, there have been cases which this proved to be viable (One of my favorite moments was when my Expurrely got tributed for Kurikara only to be beaten down moments later). This set up is the easiest, but hardest to rely on:
- Purrely/Purrelyly
- Purrely Happy Memory and Purrely Delicious Memory (You can add Delicious with Epurrely Happiness' effect, but you need its effect to prevent a monster your opponent controls from being destroyed by battle)
- If you have neither, you will need M.F. Purrely and (possibly) Stray Purrely Street.
- Bring out Purrelyly or Purrely (Preferably Special Summon Purrelyly, especially if you have Stray Purrely Street on the field, otherwise Normal Summon Purrely). If you do not have Happy Memory already, you will need to get one as soon as possible alongside Delicious Memory.
- If you have everything set, bring out Epurrely Happiness. If you have it in hand already, use Purrely Delicious Memory to both attach on Epurrely Happiness as a material and choose the weakest attack position monster on your opponent's side of the field to be immune from destruction by battle.
- If Epurrely Happiness can beat down a monster, do so. Its effect will allow you to not only half the attack of an opposing monster but also add a Purrely card from deck. For this, add another Happy Memory. Epurrely Happiness, with three Purrely Happy Memories, can attack up to four times on a single monster, halving its attack on each strike.
Often times, you won't even need to go into Expurrely Noir, as you will most likely bring the LP of your opponent down to zero at this moment, depending on how strong you get Epurrely Happiness to be. However, in the event that your opponent is hanging on by a thread, you can go into Expurrely Noir immediately after you enter Main Phase 2. If you understood that Epurrely Happiness can add any card, you can also add an additional essential card for Purrely, such as Stray Purrely Street so that Expurrely Noir can get another material on End Phase.
Additional Cards (More toys for your kitties to play with)
- When considering how Purrely spams several Level 1 monsters frequently, Sylvan Princessprite is a Rank 1 that can be easily brought out with Purrely. If you spam memories to bring out Purrelys to excavate, you can go into Sylvan and use its effect to excavate the top card of your deck if it is a Spell or Trap Card. You will rarely whiff on this if your deck primarily focuses on Spell cards. Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale also serves as an alternative Rank 1 approach, which can be used to attack directly and go into AA-ZEUS, which can be useful against King Calamity-locking decks like Centurion.
- Two Link Monsters that work well with the Level 1-centric Purrely deck are Relinquished Anima and Linkurboh. Anima is a going second tool for players who forget about column plays. Since Purrely spams Level 1 monsters frequently, you often end up with 2-3 Purrely monsters on the board. Since Anima requires a Level 1 monster, you can easily put this in a Link zone conveniently adjacent to a monster your opponent controls and relies on. This pairs well if you have a Purrely Xyz that has Pretty Memory, as you can send one (either the newly attached Monster or Anima) to get rid of another monster your opponent controls. Linkuriboh is not necessary for this deck but has its uses when you feel like your end board needs the effect to set a monster's attack to 0.
- Sky Striker Ace - Azalea and Protector of the Agents - Moon are there to prevent flood gates, with PotA - Moon useful for floodgates like Skill Drain or the (now limited) Gozen/TCBOO/Rivalry (As a Light-Fairy Link, you can use its effect to tribute itself to the GY for cost and destroy one other card your opponent controls. Azalea is quite easy to summon, since Purrely is an archetype of both Light and Dark main deck monsters you can easily summon.
- There are several opportunities in this deck to use your Rank 1 and 2 Xyz Monsters, and even your Rank 7 Towers, to go into Downerd Magician and Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS. It is not always important to do so, but it's a bargaining chip you can use so that your opponent has a target to go after instead of Expurrely Noir.
- Droll and Lock Bird can be really useful as a Level 1 monster. Oh, it's also a hand trap, I guess. If you somehow need to rank up into a monster that needs a Level 1, Droll and Lock Bird can be summoned. If you really want to, you can prevent your opponent from adding cards to the deck after they add something. Run some Droll and Lock Birds in the main deck to help with having some Level 1/Hand Trap consistencies.
- Time Thief Hack is an odd choice, but it is a useful replacement for Purrely Delicious Memory #2 and #3. It is not necessary to run, but it has its uses: Being able to allow your Xyz Monsters to both gain 300+ Attack/Defense per material and, if holding a material that was from the opponent's deck, attack directly.
- Purrely works well with some floodgates, including Grave of the Super Ancient Organism and Rivalry of Warlords. Summon Limit has its periodic uses on Game 2/3 when going first, especially after you have set up your necessary board, but be sure you are careful when using this card. You can unintentionally mess your work up when Summon Limit prevents you from going into Expurrely Noir. Of course, you can get rid of it with Pretty Memory.
This is obviously not the ideal Purrely deck, but it has seen a lot of results in the past against other decks. I have had a lot of fun finding ways to modify and craft this deck. This is based on other Purrely decks I have seen being used on both YGOPro as well as some other decks I have faced. Other cards you can consider for side deck include Nibiru the Primal Being/Kaiju (Gameciel or others) or Herald of the Abyss. Some other (sometimes pricier) options include I:P Masquerena with S:P Little Knight, Triple Tactics Thrust, and Super Starslayer TY-PHON.