Combo: At the end of your opponent's turn, you can use Dinomists Howling to return one monster, or one spell/trap your opponent just set, to their hand. Dinomist Charge will allow you to get back the first Dinomist monster you lose each turn, and Soul Pendulum will boost all your Dinomist monsters' attack points each and every time you pendulum summon again—easily giving most of them 3000+ ATK after just a few pendulum summons.
The Dinomist monsters in your Pendulum Zones protect your other Dinomist cards on the field. Each Dinomist Plesios will lower your opponent's monsters' attack points by 100 for every Dinomist card (spell/trap/monster) you have on the field, and Dinomic Powerload will prevent your opponent from activating card effects during the Battle Phase. If your opponent has a difficult monster to remove from the field, Dinomist Spinos can attack directly and/or attack twice per turn by tributing another Dinomist monster to activate each effect, and Dinomist Stegosaur can destroy an attacking Dinomist monster and your opponent's monster. Dinomist Pteran adds any Dinomist card to your hand from your deck (aside from the field spell) when it destroys an opponent's monster, and Dinomist Ankylos banishes any monster your Dinomist monsters destroy in battle when on the field.